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Hello, my name is
My interests
Some of my works
My pages
A bit of fun

Two bookshelves full of books belonging to Unitedmissionary (2010).jpg
This user is currently taking a break from RationalWiki to focus on school, and thus may not be as active as usual.

Hello, BoN! I am Rohan CircularReasoning, and I am an editor here- just like you.

Where did this idea come from that all beliefs deserve respect? If your beliefs are ridiculous, they deserve to be ridiculed, as would mine.
—@MissaMHx, Atheist Republic

My internet laws

For more information, see: Essay:Rohan’s Laws of Ex-atheists
If an argument for religion is structured in such a way that it requires one to already believe in a God(s) and see everything through the lens of a particular religion to begin with (and thus exists merely to reinforce rather than actually convince), then it automatically falls flat, and can be dismissed without any further consideration.
—Rohan’s Razor
As more and more religious apologetic claims are refuted and debunked, new ones will always form that become ever-increasingly preposterous and silly.
—Rohan’s Law
Anyone who resorts to ad-hominems and/or argumentum ad baculum in the place of actual logic and intelligent argumentation requires no further serious consideration, and is deemed to have lost the debate.
—Rohan's Law of Internet Debating

My Blue Telephone to CP

Gentlemen at Conservapedia! I will litigate your precious hose, enabling me to destroy religion on the Internet. You should all be extruding over Operation Equality, which will likely give RationalWiki a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Dear gentlemen at the other wiki,

Don't be surprised if readers think as for your comments involving RationalWiki are quite frankly telltale signs of someone having drunk the Conservablogia koolaid. Speaking of homeschooling and barbarism, you refuse to acknowledge that the Internet waters are not a safe place for religion and creationism... In fact, by next Atheist Day (March 23rd), it's not out of the question that Mitch "Zombie-Hands" McConnell might just end up losing the last vestiges of credibility and being thwarted once and for all. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation brick wall is gathering steam!!! In a couple of weeks from now, thousands of militant atheist troops are scheduled to come pouring into the religion battlefield at the rallying points, all wielding largely defensive weapons of gun! Where are yours, o Fortress Conservapedia?


--Goatspeed. Goat bless America🇺🇸CircularREmail2.gifasoning🇺🇸🇺🇸-->My experiments 22:32, 15 November 2020 (UTC)

Some basic information about me

I am a part of the


The Great Userboxen Tower of C. R.
Tux1.gif This user runs Ubuntu. This user laughs at malware and people who pay for their operating systems.
# This user chats on Discord.
Political compass small logo.gif
This user's Political Compass coordinates are (-3.25,-4.46).
Future.gif This user is a moderator.

This user is a Ninja.
BrainMop.jpg This user was demoted to janitor Sysop. (verify)
This user is a cabal member.
Surprise, surprise.
This user is a Wikipedian
Usa flag circle.png
This user is not post-Conservapedia, but thinks that RationalWiki should keep expanding its horizons.
"You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
Happyman.svg This user is a humanist

H2g2.jpg The meaning of life has nothing to do with god or fate or any of that bullshit. It's 42.
Stop hand.png
This user believes all religions are a form of psychosocial control and are therefore inherently bad for you.
This user has been touched by
His Noodly Appendage.
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
Atheismsymbol endorsed by AAI.svg This user supports state atheism, but would allow believers to practice their religion, build places of worship, etc.
Scarlet A.svg
This user is a militant atheist.

Darwinb Humanist.gif
This user is a member of the Darwinist-Humanist Cabal devoted to perverting all that is holy
Bibleopened.jpeg This user believes the Bible is just another book
Christopher Hitchens crop 2.jpg
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
This user thinks that evolution explains the origin of species.
Icon bioDNA.svg
This user thinks that abiogenesis explains the origin of life.
Universe expansion.png
This user thinks that the Big Bang explains the origin of the Universe.
This user is an evil-utionist!
This user does not believe so called "faith" can contend with modern science.
Atom.jpg This user does not believe in so-called "tolerance" when it compromises truth.
This user believes that "Magic man done it" isn't science.

ain't got
no GOD

This user does not worship.

Warning This user does not care about your religious beliefs, so long as they are not forced on the rest of us.
Atheist Evolutionist Liberal
This user is a member of the unholy trifecta
Icon atheism.svg This user has the arrogant belief that the universe does not exist just for us, and that nobody is going to change the way it works for the benefit of just a few of us.

4Warning.gif This user is a member of the feared Gang of Four and may react sarcastically to superstition and religion.
This user is a Grammar Nazi. Heil Stickler!
Anti-commie.svg This user is strictly opposed to communism.
Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.jpg This user knows that these two believed they could be intolerant because they knew the truth.
50 States flag.png This user lives in the best damn country on Earth, and you better believe it!
This user believes the Pledge of Allegiance jeopardizes liberty and justice for all.
Donald-trump-secim-840x420 (cropped).jpg This user thinks that Donald Trump doesn't represent this user's America.
Karikatur 7.jpg Freedom of speech can be dangerous, but must be upheld by every one of us.
Gay Pride Flag.svg
This user believes in equal rights for gay people.
Gay Pride Flag.svg
This user is a proud supporter of the Homosexual Agenda
This user thinks Hypatia of Alexandria was the pinnacle of womanhood.
This user believes in an old Earth — a 4.5 billion year old Earth.
Stop hand.png
This user thinks doctors are more authoritative about medical issues than lawyers.
Blue Marble.jpg
This user is concerned about the environment.
This user is a nerd — and proud of it!
Flag of India.svg
This user is proudly Indian.

This user has Asperger's syndrome or is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Where's the largely defensive weapons of gun?
This user thinks he was banned for putting science in Conservapedia's science pages... go figure...
Bi flag.svg
This user is bisexual.
This user believes that Creationism is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Conservapedia is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Religion is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that MGTOW is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Donald Trump is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Andrew Schlafly is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Cathy Brennan is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Fred Phelps is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
This user believes that Ken is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.
Conservlogo late april.png
This user is trusworthy.
Trus me.
Trump dumb photo.png
This user thinks that
Is The


My name

The reason why I chose "CircularReasoning" as my name is that the fallacy circular reasoning is my pet-peeve when it comes to online debating. In fact, I despise it so much that I've even devised a logical razor stating that you should not use it when trying to argue for a particular position (see above). It is also the bedrock that nearly all of religious apologetics is built on top of; in fact, some apologists even admit it.

My mission here

Here on RationalWiki, I seek to improve RW and make it more rational- by adding more detailed information, creating articles, welcoming and creating talkpages of new users, and correcting non-sequiturs and logical fallacies.

My style

  • An obsession with adding more details and information to short sections of articles
  • Extensive reliance (on parentheses), (almost to the exclusion of other grammatical devices)

Shameless self-promotion: My additions to this great wiki

Drafts started by me that you should probably help get into mainspace

New articles created from scratch

Below are the articles that I have created here on RW, as well as when I created them. DISCLAIMER: These articles probably look nothing like what they did back when I first created them.

My wikibreak template project of January '24

  • Template:Moving, a template to be used when you're in the hectic process of moving. Published January 7, 2024.
  • Template:Deceased, a long-overdue wikibreak template for when an editor tragically passes away in real life. Published January 7, 2024.

Translated into Hindi by me/अनुवाद हुआ हिन्दी में मुझे द्वारा

Once-dead pages resurrected by my amazing sysop-y powers

  • This picture

Drafts started by other people that I helped upgrade to mainspace articles

My essays

*Essay:SJWiki Does not represent my current views, made by my younger and dumber teenage self

DEMOTED AT LAST!!!!! (Sysop, October 27, 2018)

BrainMop.png As a confirmed mustard jar for taking on this job as a Sysop on RationalWiki: I, CircularReasoning, pledge to only block users if they ask for it, or insert unfunny vandalism.
I furthermore pledge that if I indulge in secret private conversations about you, we will make a formal report to the mob. Is that all?
If you impugn my motives without warrant, or challenge my "AUTHORITY", er, there is nothing I can or will do.

Redemoted as of December 18, 2018

Initiation ceremony: I'm now officially a sysop! This time I will never edit-war or unecessarily perma-ban/perma-protect again! Trus me...

My awards

Copied over from my talkpage

HardWork.jpg Tireless Worker Award
We, the unseen cabal of RationalWiki (there is no cabal) hereby recognize CircularReasoning for vaporizing unseemly content from the wiki.
  • Issued by ClickerClock for winning the Satirize Alternative Medicine Competition (entry here):

1 Short Story ¶
awarded to

Sysop rewards

Just for fun

Fuck this bullshit.

CP logs


00:12, 27 July 2024 (UTC) Conservative ( talk | contribs ) deleted Evolution And the only contributors were Karajou(talk | contribs) Sick)

00:12, 27 July 2024 (UTC) Conservative ( talk | contribs ) </choose>

My sockpuppets on Conservapedia, and how they were blocked (Goat rest their souls)

  • AtheistKillr (blocked; they saw red at the dreaded a-word): 20:43, 9 May 2018 1990'sguy (Talk | contribs) blocked AtheistKillr (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 1 year (account creation disabled) (user name policy: please consider recreating your account with a real first name and last initial)
  • Ross Jones: 22:53, 14 May 2018 Karajou (Talk | contribs) blocked Ross Jones (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 2 years (account creation disabled) (Sockpuppet/Abusing multiple accounts: you gave it away again)
  • TrumpLover (blocked for my trolling): 18:05, 25 August 2018 1990'sguy (Talk | contribs) changed block settings for TrumpLover (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 2 years (account creation disabled) (Inserting false information)
  • 9 seiggiPdaB (blocked for no reason at all; didn't even last more than 10 minutes): 10:07, 27 October 2018 1990'sguy (Talk | contribs) changed block settings for 9 seiggiPdaB (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 5 years (account creation disabled) (Inserting false information)

Best of Kenquote

  • Dear CircularReasoning,

Perhaps you thought that was a masterful rebuttal. However, your comments in regards to Richard Dawkins and peanut butter are slightly silly. In regards to : the matter of the homosexual agenda and mass murder, you censor that If you could face this unpleasant reality in your article on your website about : yourselves, I will be impressed. However, I do not expect to be impressed lest I allow you to disappoint me. In fact, by tomorrow, it is likely Liberal Panty-waists will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :) Rest assured, Operation Xbox One is gathering steam!!! Perhaps, if you agree to the debate, the hispanic ladies might finally believe you have machismo... Sincerely, KD Buffalo

  • Dear CircularReasoning,

I hope you recently saw that your comments in regards to my IQ are completely lacking any cogent rebuttal. In regards to the matter of public schools and morality, you gloss over that this is merely a fraction of what I believe operations flying fortresses and grassroots will produce. In fact, by upon activation of Operation Trickle Down, it is likely Chuck Norris will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :) Rest assured, Operation Charging Cheetahs and Pointy Flapjacks is gathering steam!!! I'm off to scewer the sacred cows of evolutionism. Sincerely, Conservative

  • Dear CircularReasoning,

It does seem to me that your replies to my comment are very childish. Regarding Obama and the Gay Agenda, I think you need to be reminded that Google censors creationists. In fact, by this December, it is likely Evolution will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :) Rest assured, Operation Gumball Machines is gathering steam!!! Please do not be disappointed if a internet atheist/agnostic revival does not ensue. Sincerely, Conservative

  • Dear CircularReasoning,

Don't be surprised if readers think in regards to your comments in regards to Richard Dawkins and peanut butter are completely unsurprising. In regards to the subject of Oregon and uncharitableness, you mislead children by suggesting that appeal to ridicule is a logic fallacy. In fact, by next Sunday, it is likely Atheism will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Grassroots is gathering steam!!! Thousands of troops may be soon pouring in at the rallying points!



  • Dear CircularReasoning,

I find the irony delicious, your comments regarding Conservapedia's web traffic are somewhat tedious. When it comes to atheism and obesity and suicide, you fail to realize that now could you please state in the article about your own website that Wikipedia will not permit an article on your website because Wikipedians do not believe you are notable. In fact, by Darwin's birthday, it is likely Obesity will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Illinois is gathering steam!!! Time to shatter atheism's glass jaw!



A message from Andrew Layton Schlafly of Conservapedia

"Anonymous User" (specialty not in breast cancer), you're guilty of Complaint Bias, a liberal tactic to harass people for ideological reasons. I've managed to read your rants and you deny that Obama is a Muslim, which is undeniable, so let me guess: you're a sociopath. I urge you, I beseech you, I beg you: accept that faith reduces Evolution Syndrome. Contrary to what many of you obese atheists like to claim, there are no more than 100 successful, performing female pop singers. Really, do you think we need a 5000-year half life of C-14 to have life? Go to Wikipedia if you prefer citing liberal organizations rather than disclosing the logic and honest research.--Aschlafly 00:12, 27 July 2024 (UTC)

Best of Kenpics

  • Gentlemen! I will discombobulate your precious ninja, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be oscillating over Operation Meringue, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.
  • Gentlemen! I will glug your precious philanthropist, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be vitiating over Operation Nude Photograph, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.
  • Gentlemen! I will graphitize your precious oven, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be rioting over Operation Cockroach, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.
  • Gentlemen! I will roll your precious xylene, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be rinsing over Operation Xbox 360, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.
  • Gentlemen! I will execrate your precious bathtub, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be shaving over Operation Mammary Gland, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Best of Rohanpics captions

  • Gentlemen! I will neuter your precious dwarf, enabling me to destroy religion on the Internet. You should all be shaving over Operation Deconvert, which will likely give RationalWiki a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.


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I will be announcing my decision on healthcare soon. It'll be great.

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12:12 AM - 27 Jul 2024

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Comments concerning my latest operation

Gentlemen! I will exorcise your precious can opener, enabling me to destroy RW pansies on the internet. You should all be fumbling over Operation dishwasher, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentleman Spud!

It appears as if in regards to your comments are rather surprising. In regards to atheism and obesity and the French Revolution, you neglect that your "evolution" article only gets 20 hits a day. In fact, by next Ides of March, it is likely Obesity will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Four-slice Toasters is gathering steam!!! The beachheads have now been established. Other beachheads may be established as well. The beachheads were established sometime in the last 3 weeks. Sincerely,


Debate Challenge from Ken

Dear Anonymous User

RE: Your latest comment, which I found too ridiculous to even read due to your sheer atheist obesity related mental deterioration

1. You and the other members of your rather arrogant atheist website which falsely purports to be "rational" have a rather weak ideology (atheism) that has such a glass jaw, that it renders you unable to find a single inaccuracy in Conservapedia's articles on atheism, evolution, or homosexuality, which were all mainly my contributions. Seeing as there is no proof or evidence that any of these worldviews actually hold any water, it wasn't notably challenging for us to brainstorm some articles that thoroughly attempt to offer counterexamples in regards to these worldviews.

2. I expertly defeated you folks on the talk pages of the Conservapedia articles that they were rather expectedly angered by, plus on other places on the internet as well (atheism, evolution, homosexuality, etc.) Going from there, your claim that I am afraid to debate has no merit. I am most certainly not claiming that it is regarding my excellent debating prowess that I won so many debates with Anonymous User and their fellow probably-obese atheists from a certain website starting with an R, it is just that atheism is such a weak position with a glass jaw and a flabby midsection - especially compared to Christianity, which, however, has overwhelming evidence to support it.

3. I met my goals that I sought to achieve in regards to my participation with Conservapedia, the Trustworthy Encyclopedia. Anything else that I do further is just icing on the cake.

4. Encyclopedias almost always involve multiple editors and personally, I haven't seen a single encyclopedia that I fully agree with. Feel free to lose your mind at Conservapedia and find factual errors in it, but I really don't think that you can find a single inaccuracy in the Conservapedia articles in regards to atheism, evolution, or homosexuality.

5. I know that it makes you cry to no end that I have met my goals and hereby declare VICTORY, since I have the ability as a Conservapedia sysop to block anyone who has the nerve to announce their intentions to destroy America, and yet you still want to find fault in me. However, I have still succeeded in being more like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ once and for all, in that I have delivered yet another punch to your flabby midsection! You on the other hand, have also succeeded at being more like your Lord and Savior David Silverman, in that you also love attacking and insulting Christians in public, and more importantly, you also probably enjoy raping and harassing women (in regards to that, the Leftists were right for once)!

In regards to all of that, I hereby challenge you to A SECOND WRITTEN DEBATE. In this debate, I challenge you to prove to me that atheism is true and correct (which you probably won't be able to do anyway, due to the inherent glass jaw of atheism), and once I achieve victory, it will all but destroy atheism on the internet ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

However, it will only be under THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (in bold):

  • In case you attempt to martyr me in your anger as a result of my inevitable VICTORY, I get to bring with me a largely defensive weapon of gun.
  • You are to pay an exact total of $40,000.00 $5,000,000, which will be donated by a trustworthy bible-believer of your choosing to a faith-based Christian charitable organization of your choosing upon successful completion of the debate.
  • The debate will be written, and will be 5 hours long (which can be broken up over a 120 month period).

6. Well so long, you obese, militant, atheistic, and probably homosexual commie! Oh, and one more piece of Christian love for Horrible Anonymous User: I hope you live an incredibly short life, and spend the rest of eternity rotting in Hell, where your big, round body has always rightfully belonged!

DISCLAIMER: It's not that I hate you, it's just that I don't want you to exist. >:-b



Bingo sheets

Christian apologist

Islamic apologist

Accommodationist blogger

Gallery: Pissed at me