Talk:Philip Young

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Icon sociology.svg This article contains information about one or more living persons.

Articles about living people must be handled carefully, because they are more open to legal threats.
Reference any contentious allegations solidly; unreferenced allegations should be removed.
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This Conspiracy related article has not received a brainstar for quality. Please consider expanding the article appropriately. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


Can anyone explain to me how I would go about putting up a version of this page in español?

En mi opinión los téoricos de la conpiración están muy peligrosos. — Unsigned, by: PedroRoss / talk / contribs

@PedroRoss Véase RationalWiki:Languages y dime si puedo ayudarte en algo ¡Suerte! Spud (talk) 11:36, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

Muchas gracias, comienzo la pagina como un draft. PedroRoss (talk) 23:12, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

Spud, la pagina en español esta aquí: Philip Young (téorico de la conspiración neocelandés) como un draft. ¿Como se pone la pagina en el mainspace? — Unsigned, by: PedroRoss / talk / contribs

9 April 2023 -- I wish to set out here why I have removed the comments about Mr Young's personal life from this page. When I first wrote this page, I did feel justified in including this content. However, on reflection, it constitutes a deeply personal attack and I now wish to refocus the page on the content of the published material rather than on Young as an individual. There has been litigation in respect of this matter. In fact, Young has sued me twice in the New Zealand District Court, lost both times, appealed to the New Zealand High Court, which he lost as well, and an application for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal has been declined. However, though I have succeeded in the litigation, I still wish to reframe the page as set out. I will also have amend the Spanish version.