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This is an archive page, last updated 26 June 2024. Please do not make edits to this page.
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WTF?! This almost makes Reptoids look sane in comparison. Nebuchadnezzar (talk) 07:05, 16 June 2011 (UTC)

Does the name Erra point to Poe's Law? Are there any goats on this planet?

Exactly how far apart from each other are the individual stars in this constellation? (I believe they're very young stars, also? (that's young as relative for stars, not as in Creationist young)) — Unsigned, by: Scherben / talk / contribs


Are they not contacting the finest minds on the planet, rather than some hicks and morons? Scherben (talk) 19:50, 7 February 2013 (UTC)

Question about the strikethrough on the word 'Aryan'[edit]

I was just reading the article and I noticed that the word Aryan is crossed out, I would like to know what's the reason for this to happen, or if the editor of this page just thinks that the Aryans aren't a real ethnic/cultural term or white people aren't Aryans, because the white europeans are Indo-Europenas this is a scientific fact, I can post some evidences if needed, I'd like to suggest that the writer who edits this page remove the strikethrough and keep only one of the words, either Aryan or White, or keep both with a slash between them 'Aryan/White', this is just a idea and suggestion of mine, any feedback would be appreciated Lalumierebleue (talk) 16:13, 21 May 2013 (UTC)

Strikethrough humour is used a lot on this site. As for the word "Aryans", it's a word often misused by racists to mean "white" so the author might have been trying to imply that, because white contactees report white aliens, they may have been racists. Sounds like a snark too far to me. SophieWilder 18:22, 21 May 2013 (UTC)


You know, when it's laid out like this I kind of feel stupid for once believing this crap.

Still, reiki and chakras have an awesome ass controllable placebo effect on me, so I will continue using "The energy" until further notice.

Although if I get any kind of major illness I'll be at the hospital faster than the flash on meth and caffeine. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs Requesting thread archival (why?) Plutocow (talk)