Talk:Precautionary principle

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This article is terribly weak and overly broad, as well as unsourced. (Which environmentalists argue for the principle in the same terms it is described here?) See WP for a far more nuanced and in-depth. We may not have to be them, but we shouldn't be so embarrassingly shoddy by comparison.---Mona- (talk) 03:44, 3 October 2015 (UTC)

Reductio ad absurbum[edit]

Taking the concept back to first principles, long long ago (possibly in a galaxy far, far away) one 'first life to evolve' observes the primordial soup and decides to take all due precautions and not to evolve and ingest new chemicals... and so dies of hunger as another bit of first life decides to do so.

There is a case for being 'somewhat too cautious' (eg with wild mushrooms) and being excessively cautious. Anna Livia (talk) 18:29, 21 February 2018 (UTC)