Talk:Satoshi Kanazawa

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Evolution makes you hot[edit]

"Evolution makes you hot" does make evolutionary sense (including for the selfish genes: the more attractive you are, the more likely to have (multiple) partners, and thus moe likely to have offspring. But... airheads are less likely to look after their children well, and are more likely to use prophylatics. (talk) 16:58, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

Beauty is entirely subjective. Also, the people most likely to use prophylactics are intelligent people, especially those with career aspirations. And moreso those who happen to be left-leaning (primarily because the further right you go, the more you encounter groups like Quiverfull and those "all women should be mothers & homemakers" types). "Airheads" are more likely to cause or have accidental pregnancies. (talk) 18:16, 19 September 2017 (UTC)

Terrible article is terrible[edit]