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Jewish space laser[edit]

Can he go any lower at this point? Chillpilled (talk) 14:09, 15 September 2023 (UTC)

Yeah. He can. IntrepidSkeptic (talk) 20:44, 26 January 2024 (UTC)
I don't know how some are taking this as any kind of step beyond what he was already trying to say with Ye. Maybe it's more obvious, but it's just the same message. Chillpilled (talk) 21:15, 26 January 2024 (UTC)
He is starting to mock people who had family who died in the Holocaust. His comic is starting to approach the JQ I feel that it won't be long till either the happy merchant or holocaust denial starts to pop up.Cladr01 (talk) 06:27, 11 February 2024 (UTC)

Revenge of the fans: Pettyfest[edit]

So, yeah unsure how to write it in. The entire Sinfest Reddit turned against him and started editing his comic to mock the author. The "Stonetoss is a nazi" type edits. This started when the transition from Radfem to Swerf began which was before the TERF era. Tat opened up a forum for his followers who enjoys Anti-porn, anti-sex worker, and anti-third-wave feminism. The people on the main forums saw the writing on the wall; and left for a discord server called Skyworld. Sure enough, Tat shut down his original forums deleting years of archived posts. The fans became bile fans and started hate-watching and altering his comics to mock his increasingly far-right content while dubbing the new forums "Pissworld". Now, even his Terf followers have abandoned him on his new forum. Leaving the "fans" who mock his comic and his twitter X followers. Lastly, he notoriously blocks anyone on twitter who even slightly critizes his work. Thus, leaving him to his echochamber.

Side note, he used to work on G.I Joe Extreme comic and hated it; ironic that he has come full circle. Furthermore, Irony that he grew up loving Peanuts and yet he drew this. Cladr01 (talk) 06:55, 11 February 2024 (UTC)

Changes based on Era[edit]

I was thinking sometime we expand the sections to discuss the changes throughout each Sinfest era. I have been following this for 8 years. Classic era is arguably the first few years of Sinfest; when he was doing his edgy family guy humor. During this, Lil'E was a mischievous gremlin who caused chaos and seymour was a closeted preacher who was the butt monkey. The romance era was during the establishment of the devil and his minions. During which, demons were actively discriminated against in a way to reminisce segregation. The main characters were Fuschia and Crimeny. Where fuschia was struggling with being a demon and wanted to break away. During the Obamarama time (Sorry for the pun), it moved towards a political bent. With the main focus on Barack Obama. A very idealistic view of him and his policies. Sometimes Squigly would become Obama and Sarah Palin was a pig; I ain't joking.

Afterward, we entered the in-between era where nothing major occurred.

Then, in the Early sisterhood era. We saw a dramatic shift. Going from Edgy humor to 2nd wave feminism as if a 4chan straw feminist caricature became real and replaced Tatsuya. Characters were phased out and altered.

  • Slick went from the main character to the buttmonkey who represented a bad "male ally" and "nice guy"; along with being an evil misogynist
  • Monique went from a bisexual (Unconfirmed) to a political lesbian. She also went from a sex-positive individual to a sex-negative straw feminist character but was written as a "what if the straw feminist was right" Who shunned Slick because he critiqued her method of being Anvillicous with her 2nd wave feminism shows. Then, cut out all of her friends to build around her new ones; even the ones who weren't misogynists.
  • Squigly went from a pothead to a sex addict straw misogynist who promoted sex positivity. Who later worked with Slick as factory labourers
  • Criminy was all but demoted to extra as Tat failed to turn him into a straw misogynist. (Ironically, Criminy got lucky)
  • Lil'e went from a chaotic gremlin to an amnesic-based innocent child.
  • Devil went from being the mischievous devil to Satan of the patriarchy.
  • The New Year guy eventually got removed
  • Liberty and Uncle Sam. Split up and Sam became the nationalistic jingoistic figurehead while Liberty was what remained good of America.

Then we got a new cast

  • Nana a cool granny witch who operated a coffee shop. Grandma or something to Xanthe Justice. (She's probably the only cool person.)
  • Xanthe Justice - an army of preschool-looking trike girls who fight the patriarchy. Usually one dimensional
    • Xanathe the leader of the Trike Girls. Who shouted at any individual who remotely did anything patriarchal like showing midriff.
    • Violet or well violent who is the Blood Knight. Her methodology is unironically "Kill all men."
    • Clio, a Black feminist who acted as a hacker to fight for black women. Ironically, nowadays; the messages she supported are no longer kosher with Tatsuya.
    • Tess, the mechanic.
    • fifth girl who showed up a few times and got put on a bus
  • a Bunch of fembots. Too many to list
  • Absinthe, Fusichia replacement and new girlfriend to Monique.
  • Milton, butt monkey demon drone builder who is a creep.
  • Sapphire, a cynically succubus stripper.
  • Angie the new chaos gremlin that leads Lil'e.
  • Female New Year. Who is more of a main character
  • Theo The inner representation of the author's regret of drawing scandily succubi; yet continues to do so every bloody chance.
  • Miko, fan boi of Monique.

During this time, A bunch of fembots got added along with a reality zone. Ironically, Fembots were seen as true women, and yet... later on; trans women weren't. Then we entered the middle era of the sisterhood. Slick was sidelined HARD. Squigly became depressed and criminy vanished with minor non speaking cameos. The fembots were a convoluted mess. Then we entered the final sisterhood era 2017-2019 Sapphire got the boot, same with Angie, miko, and everyone but Xanthe Justice. Tat had a new favorite; Vainglorious an egotistical artist... (sounds familiar) and Aunt Kate aka hekate. A powerful witch who is related to Xanthe Justice. The bots got written off; even three were deactivated by Hekate for making "Okay Broomer" jokes. The Swerf bit came very hard as a new type of character entered the fray. Johnbies. Zombie men who hired sex workers. The author critiqued the far left and right as he moved further to the right. Then followed by the Terf era with some new additions and removals

  • zombie handmaiden: A zombie but still cute because the author hates drawing ugly women.
  • Fusichia all but faded.
  • Tex and his nameless wife; Qanon conservative texans
  • Milton gone.
  • Cletus; a super red neck guy.
  • Even Monique's Succubus girl is no longer seen.
  • Squigy returns as a red neck guitarist who fought back against the liberal Hollywood elites.
  • Pepe the Frog and 4chan Chad Guy made manifest. Not touching that.
  • New zone: Alt neighborhood. All the alt right websites like Gab, Bitchute and more.
  • Slick now used as a buttmonkey victim of the patriarchy
  • Eventually, even absinthe is gone.
  • Monique is slightly back as she tries to hijack a BLM protest to protest porn sites.

Now, the comic is antisemitic, terf n swerf, anti immigrant, anti anti fascist, and qanon insanity. Oh, and his latest comics are about evil orcs from LOTR that look like liberals and immigrants invading heaven and the shire. That DEI is a trojan horse trying to corrupt and subvert godly places. Cladr01 (talk) 05:19, 17 February 2024 (UTC)

More hating on Jews[edit]

There's many reasons to pick on the Daily Wire but "some of their guys are Jewish" is not a reason I would have selected. Chillpilled (talk) 01:56, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

Actually I wasn't paying that close of attention but just looked at some other recent comics he made, and he truly is going all in on this one, making at least a dozen or two really explicitly antisemitic comics the past few months, not to mention the ones that aren't quite as explicit. He does seem to have an especial fixation on Ben Shapiro recently. Chillpilled (talk) 10:11, 31 March 2024 (UTC)

He’s gone full neo-Nazi now[edit]

Tats has decided to go full-on neo-Nazi. 2607:FB90:399E:16BF:2094:912D:5822:42F2 (talk) 09:44, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

This… isn't exactly new information. --Luigifan18 (talk) 11:49, 8 April 2024 (UTC)
There is a shade of difference between alt-rightists who try to rehabilitate the Nazis in-particular and the ones who don't. The next comic tells us where he's going. Chillpilled (talk) 00:34, 9 April 2024 (UTC)