Think before you Edit.

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Why are you repeating this nonsense here? That is what the talk page of the article is for.

- π02:56, 12 May 2011

What just repeat the nonsense in the talk page? I like it here where you can't delete it. One day you will realise that you are only looking at a fraction of the equation and then you will laugh because an irrational artist was the one who tried to show you the rest first.

Künstlerin (talk)03:08, 12 May 2011

I can delete it here. I think what you meant was I should not delete it from here.

- π03:16, 12 May 2011

You are my favorite type of person to troll. You are far too serious, literal-minded, and eager-to-be-right to engage in rational critical thought. And I love it. So I hope you never ban me. That way, I can keep holding the mirror to you and you can keep ignoring it or pretending that it's not your reflection, and I can keep laughing at you. It's kind of like the difference between Ares and Athene, in that one is the god of war and just loves fighting for the sake of it (you), and the other is the goddess of war but only fights on the side of truth and therefore always wins (me). Do you have a girlfriend, btw? Or a wife? I would feel so sorry for her. lol. =P gawd i hope this doesn't get me banned (yo, coz honestly i am a rational person and really like reading the articles, especially the ones about conservapedia). Künstlerin (talk) 03:29, 12 May 2011 (UTC)

Künstlerin (talk)03:29, 12 May 2011

Well you have just admitted to being a troll. Who wants to pull the switch?

- π03:33, 12 May 2011

They have been sent to bed for 9 hours.

ТyTalk.03:35, 12 May 2011


- π03:37, 12 May 2011

check the talk page. then consider it rationally. please.

Künstlerin (talk)08:00, 13 May 2011

@Ty: "they"? or just me? i'm just one person... i think. =P

Künstlerin (talk)08:06, 13 May 2011

Yeah, Ty there is only one of it.

- π02:30, 14 May 2011

Gender-neutral, and didn't feel like teaching them lumen-speak.

ТyTalk.02:31, 14 May 2011

The third person, gender-neutral, singular pronoun is it, although they has become far more common in usage. It obviously wants to be referred to as it.

- π02:34, 14 May 2011

They we shall refer to it as it. Pi... guy?

ТyTalk.02:35, 14 May 2011

Yeah, I think Nx cleared that up when he got sick of the dancing around they were doing with my RationalWikiWiki article.

- π02:37, 14 May 2011

My timeline is better than your timeline :P

ТyTalk.02:40, 14 May 2011

I'm a "she" =). Or a "her" in the accusative, genitive, or dative. =) (the "-in" in "Künstlerin" is a feminine ending, btw)

Künstlerin (talk)how 'bout that?06:19, 14 May 2011

ohhh, yooo!!! my timeline is curving to meet up and join with this old timeline that my timeline originally got branched off from back when i got scared of making this certain choice in the summer between second and third grades but now i am not scared of making that choice and so now the two timelines are merging back into one. it's happening right now but u can only see it in crosssection.

Künstlerin (talk)08:09, 14 May 2011