It's rare that reading the Chicken Coop makes me do anything but bang my head against my desk

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And it's the truth, may I add, I'm not jumping on the "I hate Moffat for fucking it up" bandwagon.

ADK...I'll castrate your cellphone!06:20, 12 September 2011

That said, if what the Whosters are saying is true about their shoe-horning and ex machina-ing, it does fill me dread about what the next series of Sherlock might be like.

ADK...I'll complement your scroll!06:38, 12 September 2011

Whatever they may say about the storyline, Dr Who has done one great service to mankind... given us Amy Pond. Now that's somebody that I'd like show that it is bigger on the inside... oh yes, and River Song is pretty cool too.

PsyGremlinZungumza!15:55, 12 September 2011

I've never watched the old series, but I like the new series. Or I did, up to the point Russell T. Davies left and everything just got really wacky. Although it was a little wacky before he left too.

Also, who cares about Earth? If I wanted to see Elizabethan England, I'd watch the Tudors, you know? Show me some alien environments. The doctor can go anywhere throughout time and space and he always picks boring ass Earth.

User:Brxbrx/sig22:01, 12 September 2011

Back in the days of the *real* Dr Who he always picked a gravel quarry outside Amersham. Quite frankly Dr Who went downhill the moment it stopped being in black and white.

Travancus (talk)21:18, 13 September 2011

Like how Metallica sold out when they released Kill 'Em All.

ADK...I'll spit your guillotine!22:14, 13 September 2011

Anything before Tom Baker's Doctor is physically painful to watch. Rarely do shows get better with age, but Doctor Who (not "Dr Who") has accomplished just that. New Who is just as good if not better than late-70's Who (80's Who has its moments, but isn't great on the whole).

Blue (is useful)22:38, 13 September 2011

I haven't seen all New Who (series 1, 2, 5, 6) and no Old Who (or do we say classic?) at all, but Moffat makes me go "Fuck Yeah!!!" every few episodes which is pretty much what I want out of Science-Fiction show. Torchwood on the other hand makes me sick, actually physically sick. For my own health I have given up on it.

ʤɱ pirate23:17, 13 September 2011

Really? I like Torchwood. It's really compelling. Makes you wonder.

User:Brxbrx/sig23:37, 13 September 2011

Star Trek, Red Dwarf, Babylon 5. That's it, tried SGU and Dr. Who, stopped the former after 7 episodes, watched the three of the latter the library had. Radar Men from the Moon, Undersea Kingdom and Lost in Space were good for riffing, but that's all.

Тайговорить00:03, 14 September 2011

Try Firefly, even I liked it and I hate Western.

ʤɱ pirate00:15, 14 September 2011

Not liking Firefly will be listed in the DSM-5.

ADK...I'll anglicise your broom!00:23, 14 September 2011

If I had to answer, it's everything about the show: characters, cinematography, villains, style, way the people talk. Well, the intro was ok. But to be fair I only have seen two and half episodes. The pilot, the last episode of series 2 and the the first half hour of … whatever that third season was called. I have no problem with other people being fans, but I don't want to see it anymore...

ʤɱ pirate00:14, 14 September 2011

The first two seasons of Torchwood sucked, no question. The third, which was a 5-episode miniseries called Children of Earth, was actually very good. The fourth, Miracle Day, wasn't as good as the third, but wasn't horrible either.

Blue (is useful)03:57, 14 September 2011