Death to Wikipedia

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tyrannis
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It's kinda the reason I was surprized/amused to see blue say "we don't do that here." Hell yes we do. It gets reverted often, but I have just deleted crap cause it was crap without even saying i was deleting it on the talk page. Most of the time, no one at all cares.....

I like deleting things, though. I keep begging to just get rid of any stub that has not been edited in over 1 year. but no one lets me. :(

Pink mowse.pngGodotMoi j'dis, laisse beton04:14, 16 November 2011

I used to delete loads of stuff, with Blue as an often accomplice. Unfortunately I deleted something, with votes I might add, after 5 minutes of the template going up. The resulting fallout was bad for me emotionally at the time, as I was an up and coming editor, with a fresh crateship. It gets really weird when you get significant criticism for the first time, as I was still in the "trying to get everyone to like me" mode.

Тytalk04:20, 16 November 2011

My "trying to get everyone to like me" phase died around the first Constitutional Convention. So... about four months after I became really active on the site.

Sorry if I keep getting all nostalgic. It's just, this is the first time in about three and half years I've been able to edit here without getting sucked into an emotionally draining drama-fest. I feel like a new person.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.04:29, 16 November 2011

I have a very strange relationship to/with the concept of authority on line. I was a crat back in the day, when teh crat wars were just starting... and never once cared, never once used any "powers" for good or evil. I think i might have binned a troll or two. So I guess my "everyone likes me" game was just I worked under, around, over, and through. I did what I wanted (still do), and if anyone changed it, i didn't really care much.

Only one who ever really made me "feel bad" was human. I get that my writing can be tiresome to edit, but it's not *shit*. but man, he said that a few to many times and I said "who needs RW". ;-)

Pink mowse.pngGodotMoi j'dis, laisse beton04:36, 16 November 2011

Yah, Human was kind of a dick. (Human's wiki, Human's rules, therefore Human's judgment was final, capricious, and unpleasant.)

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.04:42, 16 November 2011

"Kind of a dick"? Have you finally found that middle ground? (:

Blue (is useful)06:15, 16 November 2011

You remember me saying that? You have a good memory.

I'm trying not to condemn him as completely awful, because I still have good memories of my early days here, when I latched onto him like a lost puppy.

And then I think of how he drove off Pink, and remember what a monstrous asshole he was.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.09:21, 16 November 2011

A few eerie parallels between us have been pointed out from time to time, though human usually seemed rather neutral towards me until May. Most of my flak came from the WIGO crowd. During my crat election, only one of the dissenting votes was not "too many crats". May sucked for everyone.

Тytalk12:42, 16 November 2011

I actually always liked the guy. And I never really saw how he treated others, cause he really did lots of it behind the scenes (whic is actually far worse) so he left no trail.

But eventually, when someone says "you suck" enough, you really do say 'fine, fuck it".

Didn't know that's why pink left....

Pink mowse.pngGodotMoi j'dis, laisse beton13:55, 16 November 2011