
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Tyrannis
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John, while Mary had had had had had had had had had had had the teacher's approval, he would'nt have.

Blue (is useful)19:31, 18 March 2011

If someone would BE ON MORE OFTEN we could actually get a recording of mine terrible accent. Also, either of you two ever heard of Tara Gillespie?

ТyTalk.19:32, 18 March 2011


Mei III (talk)19:35, 18 March 2011

Go to Tvtropes. look up My Immortal. I'll wait.

ТyTalk.19:36, 18 March 2011

Oh right. Yeah, that thing.

Mei III (talk)19:41, 18 March 2011

Thing is giving it too much credit.

ТyTalk.19:43, 18 March 2011

That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is. Obviously.

Mei III (talk)19:32, 18 March 2011