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Center-left. My area of expertise tends to be the Middle East, primarily focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sometimes, reality is biased.
I share no love for left-wing pro-war fetishists or anti-imperialists who make awful apologetics for Assad, Putin, etc.
I dislike Islam/Islamism apologists (Aslan, Greenwald) and Israel/Zionism apologists (Sam Harris, Bill Maher) equally.
Political positions
- In favor of universal health care
- In favor of progressive taxes
- In favor of nuclear power
- Free speech absolutist (and by absolute, I really mean absolute, including defending the right to incitement and other taboos we normally would favor restrictions)
- Generally supportive of free trade, willing to accommodate it in light of its effect of lifting people up from extreme poverty ($1 a day for example), if statistics and the World Bank report are correct.
- Generally dovish (did not support the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Libya), but pending circumstances of genocide, ethnic cleansing, colonial invasion, or slavery, may be willing to back a minor form of force as a deterrent.
- Not a fan of high-strung authoritarianism among secular dictators (Ataturk, Reza Khan, etc.)
- In favor of legalizing polygamy (yes you read that right) provided there's protections
- In favor of legalizing prostitution, provided there's protections
- In favor of OPEN borders. LET THE "ILLEGALS" IN!
- This user supports the Syrian rebels
- This user believes Palestinian have a right to defend themselves against Israeli terrorist attacks, colonization, blockade and occupation.
- This user supports the Kurds.
- Antisemitism and Islamophobia are snarl terms we could generally do without in a debate because they're more often than not used to deter and silence critical thinking.