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socialism article refined and beefed up. Now possible for Conservapedia to have a prominent article on the internet for socialism[edit]

I did some refining and beefing up of the Conservpedia socialism article. If Conservapedia wants to have a very prominent position on the internet for socialism, it is now very possible to do whereas before it would have been difficult. conservative 18:19, 29 August 2010 (EDT)

Based on some recent developments and additional deliberation, I have decided to keep my options very open as far as future edits to the left main page. :) conservative 15:07, 29 August 2010 (EDT) (7 edits)

Mini Drudge Report on left main page in terms of resources being offered[edit]

One of the reasons people go to the Drudge Report is that he offers multiple links to other news sources.

I propose having a mini-Drudge Report and have direct links to: the top 5 conservative news sources, the top 5 conservative video sources, and the top 5 conservative columnists. Maybe have links to the best conservative thinktanks as well. I propose that the sources be fiscally conservative,socially conservative, and against frivolous wars that drain the US treasury and create unnecessary and harmful foreign entanglements. I say this because the fiscal policies of Bush/Obama have put this country in a financially precarious position. I do realize that some Conservapedians may not share my views on the Iraq/Afghanistan wars so perhaps a consensus view of the sources being offered could be arrived. This way the main page would offer a resource that is uncluttered and give people another reason to keep coming back the main page. conservative 13:52, 29 August 2010 (EDT)

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Because the atheist community is world renowned for its humility, charitableness, good cheer and tolerance (NOT!), Conservapedia has just rolled out its article Atheism is a clown and it did not know it.

Conservapedia predicts that the atheist community is going to love this article and pass it around on all their atheist holidays that are filled with love, charitableness, goodwill and good cheer!

With the addition of the Conservapedia flying kitty dinosaur, the flying kitty squadron, the flying kitty air force, and the flying kitty extinction; it appears as if the flying kitty is soaring in popularity. The web page has already obtained over 1,700 views in about two days. Click HERE to see what all the excitement is about at Conservapedia. (5 edits)

Over 400 jokes/satire about atheism and evolution. Now it's time to.....[edit]

Karajou, there are now over 400 jokes/satire about atheism and evolution that people can gain access to here: Comedy and satires concerning atheism and evolution. I think its now time to soon start promoting the article and I have some ideas about this matter. Also, please help spread the word. Secondly, Conservapedia now ranks #5 at Google USA for Poe's law. The excitement is raging! Quick, contact Andy and tell him to upgrade our server capabilities for impending colossal search engine traffic caused by Conservapedia quite possibly ranking higher for the important search "Poe's law" at the searches engines. :) conservative 14:51, 4 August 2010 (EDT) (3 edits)

Have you heard of dueling banjos? Get ready for dueling billboards! Baptists and an atheist group are engaged in the Battle of the Billboards![1] Given the tightfistedness of many atheists, they have their work cut out for them as far as raising support. Conservapedia challenges atheists to have a billboard with the proof and evidence that atheism is true. (3 edits)

Obama's coalition is imploding.[2] Hispanics, women, white men, and Jews are abandoning their support.[3] It is unlikely that Obama can be reelected without Hispanics and women voting for him by a significant margin. Recently, Obama went on the television show The View to attempt to shore up the women's vote which has dramatically fallen. VIDEO

Karajou, it has come to my attention that certain atheists are trying to find out where I live....[edit]

Karajou, being a former military person, I thought you might appreciate someone with some fighting spirit. With that being said, it has come to my attention that certain atheists are trying to find out where I live. Karajou, did you know that when I was younger, I worked as a debt collector? Ever try to track down a former debt collector? It's pretty hard!!! :) Second, if you did by some miracle you were to find a former debt collector and hassle them, you know what they would probably do. They would probably call some churches and get funded to go after atheism twice as hard. That's just the way former debt collectors think. They don't cave in. They are pretty resilient people. And those Baptists, man are they ever against atheism! You know I have talked to some Baptists preachers and similarly minded preachers and they are rather fond of my material. If some person with phone skills and other skills, were to call Baptists and similar thinking people and give a good presentation, I bet that person would get funded! That's something for atheists to ponder, isn't it? By the way, now that my health is much better, I certainly could go after atheism twice as hard. Today, I am working out for the first time in a long time due to my health being better. conservative 11:44, 1 August 2010 (EDT)

Andy, it has come to my attention that certain atheists are trying to find out where I live....[edit]

Andy, it has come to my attention that certain atheists are trying to find out where I live. Andy, did you know that when I was younger, I worked as a debt collector? Ever try to track down a former debt collector? It's pretty hard!!! :) Second, if you did by some miracle you were to find a former debt collector and hassle them, you know what they would probably do. They would probably call some churches and get funded to go after atheism twice as hard. That's just the way former debt collectors think. They don't cave in. They are pretty resilient people. And those Baptists, man are they ever against atheism! You know I have talked to some Baptists preachers and similarly minded preachers and they are rather fond of my material. If some person with phone skills and other skills, were to call Baptists and similar thinking people and give a good presentation, I bet that person would get funded! That's something for atheists to ponder, isn't It? By the way, now that my health is much better, I could go after atheism twice as hard. Today, I am working out for the first time in a long time due to my health being better. conservative 11:36, 1 August 2010 (EDT) (3 edits)

Conservapedia just finished its article satires of atheism which is a collection of the some best satire/jokes on atheism and evolution on the internet. If we missed some good satire/jokes about atheism or evolution please feel free to add to our article satires of atheism.

Please no satire/jokes that promote atheism or atheistic evolutionary claptrap. The Bible does say that "honor is not fitting for a fool" so we certainly do not want to honor atheistic claptrap on our satires of atheism page. (4 edits)

TonySidaway, I have no problem with editing founded on proof and evidence and not mere speculation posing as facts and well reasoned argument that ignores pertinent data. Secondly, if you are looking for me to specifically respond to postings on talk pages you might make, current priorities and requests on my time may preclude me from responding to your postings on the talk pages promptly which is something I have done in the past with various postings on the talk pages of articles. Therefore, I would encourage you to do your due diligence before making your posts so as to avoid argumentation which ignores well supported and well reasoned arguments from the opposition. I do think it is incumbent upon you to consider all the evidence and go where the evidence leads. conservative 20:33, 15 July 2010 (EDT)

YouTube video producer Shockofgod is starting to be concerned that the YouTube evolutionist, Donexodus2 (who has 30,000 subscribers), lacks machismo and may back out of a scheduled debate.VIDEO Generally speaking, creationists tend to win creation vs. evolution debates. Is this going to be another moment in history like the atheist Dr. Michael Martin vs. Christian Dr. Greg Bahnsen debate, where Dr. Martin pulled out of the scheduled debate?[4]

Concerning the Scopes Monkey Trial, reports: "It is a little known fact that William Jennings Bryan agreed to be interrogated by Clarence Darrow only if Bryan could in turn interrogate Darrow views of evolution. Darrow agreed, but then right after interrogating Bryan directed the judge to find Scopes guilty, thereby closing the evidence and thus preventing Bryan from interrogating Darrow".[5]

Nick Clegg, a proponent of arrogant big government UK policies, accuses David Cameron of arrogance! Richard Dawkins, "Mr. Arrogance" himself, supports the accusation.[6] Conservapedia has recently expanded its list of articles to be created for the Conservapedia Richard Dawkins project to over 100 articles to be created. Please feel free to add suggested articles to our growing list of Richard Dawkins articles to be created. ---

Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project starting to be a pro-life internet juggernaut?[edit]

Andy, just for the heck of it, I did a Yahoo USA and Bing USA check as far as the search engine rankings for "abortion". The Bing USA ranking was #4 and the Yahoo USA ranking was #5. If memory serves, I mentioned on the main page recently that Yahoo ranked Conservapedia #7 for abortion. And imagine what might happen if our northern neighbors find out about our abortion article to a greater extent and also the UK populace. I am guessing that knowledge of our abortion article might spread like wildfire in Canada especially in the conservative rural areas. And of course, there are certainly some anti-abortion members of the UK populace as well. conservative 05:18, 30 April 2010 (EDT)

Richard Dawkins Project and also an Anti-Evolution Project[edit]


I thought it might be a good idea to have interested Conservapedians do a Richard Dawkins Project similar to the Conservapedia: Anti-abortion Project. I generated a small list of topics, but I am sure if I applied myself I could come up with 50-100 more article topics. Conservapedia could become one of the premier places on the internet for information on Richard Dawkins. Everything you wanted to know about Richard Dawkins, but were afraid to ask! [7] Of course, these articles would be much different than the web articles created by the acolytes of Richard Dawkins. By the way, I am aware of someone in the UK who has a very strong disliking to the material that Richard Dawkins puts out in the public square, so perhaps he could be our point person for spreading awareness of our anti-Dawkins material in the UK.

TerryH, might be interested in spearheading the start of a Conservapedia Anti-Evolution Project as well for those who are interested. I am sure I could generate a list of 100-150 topics for this subject.

Here is a list of Richard Dawkins topics that I came up with so far, but again, I think I could come up with about 50-100 more if I applied myself:

conservative 04:24, 30 April 2010 (EDT)

Promising Noah's ark sighting report: A Conservapedia administrator recently contacted a formerly active member of Conservapedia and was told some very interesting news. It appears as if there has been a Noah's ark sighting report that appears promising, but has not been rigorously confirmed. According to the Creation Ministries International website article Is it Noah's Ark?:

"On Sunday 25 April, a press conference was held in Hong Kong at 11 am local time, at the large concrete full-size Ark replica on the way to the airport. A local Christian organization, The Media Evangelism Ltd, announced that they had accessed and filmed an extremely interesting item 4,200 metres (14,000 ft) up on Ararat in an extremely dangerous and hard-to-access area.

Buried in ice and rock, (well above the treeline) they were able to tunnel down and enter and film about seven accessible rooms (there were more) constructed out of what clearly appeared to be wood, including small doorways, a shelf, beams with pegs, and more. Buried in ice and rock, (well above the treeline) they were able to tunnel down and enter and film about seven accessible rooms (there were more) constructed out of what clearly appeared to be wood, including small doorways, a shelf, beams with pegs, and more.

As more information becomes available over the next few days, we should be able to flesh out some of these details, including more on the history of the find."

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Given the success of Conservapedia's campaign to spread its anti-evolution message across Canada, Conservapedia has decided to spread its anti-abortion message in Canada as well. The Wayne Gretzky of Canadian creation science helped raise awareness of Conservapedia's anti-evolution article far and wide across Canada. Has Conservapedia found its Wayne Gretsky of the Canadian pro-life movement yet? Please stay tuned for further developments!

It appears as if Yahoo USA has some degree of understanding when it comes to evaluating abortion articles for quality. The Conservapedia abortion article ranks #7 out of 173,000,000 search results for "abortion" as can be seen HERE.

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Full steam ahead! Within days, Conservapedia will be unleashing measures to increase the manpower and other resources available to the Conservapedia:Anti-abortion Project!

All aboard that's going aboard! The Conservapedia anti-abortion train is about to leave the station. Please sign up to be a Conservapedia editor and start working on Conservapedia:Anti-abortion Project. Unborn children will be happy you did!

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The Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project is picking up steam. Conservapedia has started to make phone calls to the pro-life community and there appears to be some interest in contributing to the Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project. Please stay tuned for further developments

Conservapedia encourages members of its pro-life audience to consider contributing to the project. It certainly appears as if your pro-life/anti-abortion content could reach a very wide audience. Conservapedia wishes to go full steam ahead on this exciting project.

Conservapedia is currently exploring gaining a key editor for the Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project much like it did for its intelligent design article. Conservapedia has in mind a good friend of one of the Conservapedia administrators who is a history of being involved in the pro-life movement. A good general can certainly make a difference in various battles of the culture war and Conservapedia may soon have its George S. Patton for the Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project!

If you want to be a General Dwight D. Eisenhower or General Douglas MacArthur involved in the Conservapedia Anti-Abortion Project, sign up to be an Conservapedia editor and start editing! And of course, Conservapedia is also looking for a Joan of Arc and a Deborah for the Conservapedia Anti-abortion Project as well!

The atheist community at YouTube demonstrates the utter futility and weakness of the atheism. Belief in God is once again triumphant. Conservapedia has learned that Christian channels at YouTube are systematically being shut down at YouTube through false copyright claims. Recently, the popular Christian YouTube channel JezuzFreek777 was shut down through false copyright claim notices.VIDEO

Conservapedia is not aware of any widespread denunciation of the Christian channels being shutdown among the leading atheism channels at YouTube. It appears as if many atheists understand the weakness of the atheism and feel the atheist community needs to resort to dirty censorship tactics. One Christian declares on his YouTube channel, "Destroy this YouTube account, and in three days I will raise up another one just like it. AMEN." [8]

Conservapedia homosexuality and atheism articles say these ideologies are anti-American?[edit]

Douglas, it appears as if a liberal website has an article on Conservapedia that declares that the Conservapedia homosexuality and atheism articles claim that these two ideologies are un-American. The "logic" they use is the articles are critical of these ideologies and that Conservapedia has an American flag as its logo. If I am not mistaken, I believe I am the principle contributor of these articles and on more than one occasion I recommended that Conservapedia change its logo. Unable to find a single factual error in these articles, it appears as if this liberal website, feels the pathetic and contemptible need to make stuff up! Thank God the Conservapedia atheism and homosexuality articles don't resort to delusional "thinking" and deceit. conservative 22:26, 17 April 2010 (EDT)

It appears it may not take much for Conservapedia to expand its influence concerning the evolution issue on the American portion of the internet. Conservapedia is considering expanding its collection of articles that address the creation vs. evolution issue. In addition, Conservapedia is also considering expanding its content that addresses the creation vs. evolution controversy in the United States. Bing USA already ranks the Conservapedia in its top 10 search results for the search result "evolution" as can be seen HERE.

Conservapedia is considering launching a Conservapedia Creation vs. Evolution Project in the future. Conservapedia is prominent on the Canadian internet when it comes to evolution issue. Our website would like to expand our prominence on the evolution issue on the United States internet. Please stay tuned for further developments.

According to the web traffic tracking firm Compete, the web traffic of Conservapedia recently increased by over 36%.[9] In addition, Conservapedia web traffic is up about 40% over the last year at this time according to Compete.[10] The web traffic company Quantcast shows that Conservapedia's web traffic is up more than 400% in approximately 3 years.[11] Also, according to Quantcast, Conservapedia readers are generally more educated and affluent than the general population.[12] The Asian population of web visitors to Conservapedia (Asians certainly have a reputation for studiousness), is above average according to Quantcast.[13] Go team Conservapedia! Faster, stronger, higher!