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Tumblr social justice movement is an umbrella term for a collection of separate movements that typically occur on the social networking site Tumblr (and, to a lesser extent, LiveJournal and the TVTropes fora). Pejoratively, members of this movement are called SJWs, short for Social Justice Warriors. Also pejorative is the Tumblr part of the name, and also a misnomer, since the movement started on LiveJournal and the Something Awful Forums Laissez's Faire board.[1] While the majority if social justice activists on these websites are generally quite good, there is a large part of the movement that has some fringe-like properties.

The good areas of the movement[edit]

Stuff about fighting oppression and shit, I'm too fecking lazy at the moment.

Some of the more flawed areas of the movement[edit]

Cultural appropriation[edit]

Cultural appropriation, in legitimate sociology circles, as the acquisition of an element of a culture by another culture. This is a normal and frequent effect of cultures interacting with each other and has happened for a long time. [2] In Tumblr, however, cultural appropriation is demonized under the justification that it's oppression of minorities and therefore should be avoided at all costs. This includes eating at ethnic restaurants, wearing casual jewelry, or dressing up as rulers from centuries-dead cultures [3]. This also includes white persons using AAVE terms (and failing miserably at recognizing what's AAVE and what's general Southern [4]). What they fail to realize is the segregationist ethos they unintentionally cultivate. This can lead to some embarassment. [5]


While discrimination against the disabled is very much of a real thing in real life, in Tumblr, fighting ableism is reduced to "dirty words you can't say". This includes words like "stupid", "lame", "crazy", "idiot", "imbecile" and other words that have, for a long time, been disconnected from their original meanings.This doesn't stop many of them from calling their opponents these words, however.

Anti-science, anti-STEM degrees and conspiracy theories[edit]

Although there are obviously examples of bias and whatnot in the institution of science, some have taken this to mean that science is deliberately oppressive of minorities, and that science is not valid if it does not agree with their goals- for example, when it shows that mystical "indigenous" alternative medicine techniques can not be proven to work.[6]


Fully horseshoeing back into the far-right, antisemitism is rampant among some factions of the movement. In particular, vegans frequently compare factory farms to the holocaust, oftentimes resulting in unintentional neo-nazi propaganda. [7] This is also present in other branches of the movement. which is mostly an untintentional side effect of Godwin's Law,[8] but outright defense of it is somewhat common, even involving the kind of Jewish conspiracy theories that one would usually only find on the most cranky of webshites. [9]
