Addicted to Hate

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"Addicted to Hate" is an exposé of the Westboro Baptist Church, and its pastor, Fred Phelps. It is written from the point of view of people who have been kicked out of escaped the evil clutches of the Westboro Baptist Church, and details just how much of a monster someone can become when he or she puts his or her ideology/god(s) above his or her fellow human beings. It also details just how much of a monster someone who is possibly just plain insane can become.

The document was compiled by reporter Jon Michael Bell in 1994, commissioned by the Topeka Capital-Journal. When the newspaper refused to publish it, Bell filed a lawsuit for money he was due, which included a detailed account of his investigations; the full text of this was entered into the public record. The newspaper tried to prevent distribution of the document, and published its own redacted version, but the full document rapidly spread online under the title "Addicted to Hate".[1][2]

Fred Phelps causing harm to people

Near the beginning of the piece, Fred Phelps's possibly world record-setting beatings of his wife and kids are discussed. Later, the piece details the emotional breaking down of a Phelps boy's girlfriend, Debbie Valgos, by Fred Phelps, which eventually led to her going downhill until her death from a drug overdose.

External links

  • Read it and prepare to be greatly saddened. If you had ANY tiny amount of sympathy for the Westboro Baptist Church organization, and/or Fred Phelps, before reading this entire piece, it will be completely vaporized, if you have an ounce of compassion for the many human beings that he and his cult/church have harmed.
  • Copy at the Skeptic Tank, for those who don't like the formatting on the above site.


  1. Addicted to Hate, Skeptic Tank, 1994, accessed 1 April 2019
  2. Hate, American Style, Wired, July 1997