John Gray

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This page is about the author of "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus"; for the bucketload of other people with this name you can go to WikipediaWikipedia.

John Gray (1951–) is an American author best known for his renowned pop psychology 1992 book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, and Aliens from Uranus.

He consistently uses the Ph.D. title, which was "earned" from the diploma mill Columbia Pacific University, which was forced to shut down in 1999 by a court order.

Selling simplistic and dubious relationship advice isn't enough, apparently, so today he's also peddling various forms of woo. For example, he posted long list of things supposedly causing ADHD, bipolar disorder and autism, including MSG, GMOs, pornography, toxins and heavy metals, video games, and much much more.[1]

His website sells a long list of herbal medicines, superfoods, etc.[2] which are of course recommended in his sales pitch weblog; for example for having better sex one should take not just one, not just two, but a total of six of these.[3] In 2015 he supported a campaign asking that a seller of the quack potion Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) be given a lenient jail sentence.[4] John Gray has worked alongside "Dr" Robert O. Young.[5]

More recently, he has expressed negative views of the modern feminist movement, saying: "The reason why there's so much divorce is that feminism promotes independence in women. I'm very happy for women to find greater independence, but when you go too far in that direction, then who's at home?"[6] Also, while it isn't necessarily sexist to point out the differences between genders,[7] Gray has been accused of sexism as his works rely heavily on anecdotes and old stereotypes.[8] For example, he states in Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, "Being able to accomplish things without the help of others is a feather in their cap. (While for a woman, when someone assists her, having a supportive relationship is a feather in her cap.)"[9]
