Conservapedia:What is going on at CP?/February 2012

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February 2012[edit]


Andy: Conservapedia is right, even when it isn'timg.


Andy: Will conservapedia be proven rightimg? Looking goodimg but ... uh-oh ... something's wrong ... too close to callimg! That'll do. Oh wait, better trim thisimg. But wait... Santorum may still have more delegates!img (without citation) and anyway, the teabaggers really really like him!img


Andy (Feb 27th): For policial reasons the lamestream media is not reporting the important fact that school shooter was a Facebook userimg.
Andy (next day): *deletes information about Norwary massacre killer being an anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant right-wing extremist that specifically targeted country's ruling liberal party*img (Information about the killer liking to play World of Warcraft untouched.)


The latest school shooting tragedy has nothing to do with guns and everything to do with Facebook.img (and not a prayer for the victims in sight.)


Andy: someone else guessed the same guess that I guessed we guessed; Conservapedia proven right!img


Andy shows us why it's stupid to look at the world through only a biased liberals v. conservatives myopic political lensimg


Men and women look different, therefore how on earth can liberals expect them to have the same aptitudes?img


Andy: "The purported proof of Fermat's Last Theorem would be an example of liberal math.img"
User: "What would be an example of Conservative Math?img"
Andy: "Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, and liberals ostracized Kurt Godel for it.img""Bertrand Russell, a leading leftist of that time, was humiliated by Godel's insight, which was conservative in how it debunked intellectual arrogance.img""A liberal claims to know almost everything. A conservative recognizes that the liberal actually knows almost nothing of value.img"


Stupid atheists are wasting time and money searching for a Grand Unified Theory of physics even though Andy's bizarre, nonsensical interpretation of an Iron Age text Genesis says that's impossibleimg. Biblical scientific foreknowledge FTW!


Tiger Woods: Liberal Media Iconimg


Creationist idiot vexed by Poe's lawimg. Kendoll forgets Kotomi T was Conservapedia's favourite sysop.


Having obliterated the mean old Lamestream Media, Andy Schlafly takes on the next targetimg.


Joaquin's upset about something in Syria and it's Hillary Obama's fault [1]img. Remind me,who are supposed to be the good guys again?


Shame on those desperate Rinos who declared Romney the winner in Maine before all the votes were countedimg. Conservapedia declaring Santorum the victor in Colorado early in the evening - Conservapedia proven right yet again!img


And with football season over, time for Andy to gush over Jeremy Linimg.


In Andy's universe "Britain was just fine with Hitler running over neighboring underdog countries."img Why? Because liberals.img


Andy secretly hopes that he will one day be that lucky woman.img


Andyimg: "College math is not completely immune to liberal influences that have destroyed other subjects like physics."


Andy: "Many books and movies illustrate the lack of upward social mobility in Britain, from Mary Poppins to Charles Dickens' writings"img A prize to whomever can guess what in the fuck Andy is talking about.


Andy, before the Florida primary: "Rick Santorum's senseless instance [sic] on staying in the raceimg in Florida is depriving Gingrich of a victory there." and "Floridians who vote for third-place Rick Santorum will be strengthening the pro-abortion side of the Republican Party"img
Andy, Feb. 7: "Conservative Rick Santorum wins today's Minnesota and Missouri primaries for president, with Mitt Romney finishing far, far behind. Give it up, RINOs.img"


Andy: Atheists hate underdogs according to crowd behaviour at the Superbowlimg. Crowd behaviour? Pfft, that's a pretty flimsy exampleimg


Andy: Why didn't atheists cheer at the Super Bowl?img Is it because they don't like underdogs?img Why don't atheists like underdogs?img I bet Stalin didn't like underdogs.img


You know you're Conservapedia's biggest idiot when Kendollimg of all people has to cleanimg upimg after youimg.


Ed "some bloke" Poor: Yellow Submarine was a "dark and tedious 1968 animated film."img
User: "Conservapedia administrator Ed Poor gave the film a negative review, calling it 'dark and tedious'."img
Ed "some bloke" Poor: "removing some random bloke's personal opinion".img