RationalWiki:What is going on in the blogosphere?/November 2018

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November 2018[edit]

18 Private companies are making lots of profit from children's social services while families in difficulty suffer
20How Trump's administration tried to discredit the latest US National Climate Assessment - and the liberal media helped. (from Ars Technica)
8Round 2 of an ongoing debate between AronRa and Kent Hovind
16The Pakistani equivalent of the alt-right that rose to prominence years before its Western parallels
27Pseudoarchaeology and the Racism Behind Ancient Aliens: Where, exactly, the idea of ancient aliens building the pyramids began — and why some academics think racism lies at the heart of many extraterrestrial theories.
16 How labor was responsible for bringing Scott Walker and Bruce Rauner down
22'Paleofantasy' - why trying to live like our 'healthier' ancestors doesn't stack with evolution