Talk:Jesús Malverde

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This Religion related article has not received a brainstar for quality. Please consider expanding the article appropriately. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.



Actually, the reason he exists is the same reason why so many of the Mexican population (46.2% lives in abject poverty) both fears and respects El Chapo. Why do you think so many protests erupted when he was captured?

Actually, I'm surprised you guys even have an article on a mythical Mexican drug lord. Zexcoiler Kingbolt (talk) 21:58, 3 September 2015 (UTC)Zexcoiler Kingbolt

Mm, true.
The article is here because it relates to Jesus myth theory -- in which a person literally named Jesus was more or less invented in pretty much no time. 32℉uzzy; 0℃atPotato (talk/stalk) 22:05, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

Can a 'compare and contrast' be done with some of the legends associated with Robin Hood? (talk) 15:15, 16 December 2016 (UTC)