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Other Youtubers[edit]

Bit long, but he insulted this guy multiple times + he leaked a personal picture from his FB that was only on his FB. No one has seen that pic before Keemstar tweeted it.

Btw, kinda surprised that this page wasn't made earlier when the biggest drama started halfway 2016.

Oh, and he has been accusing many people for being Pedophiles. Tinribmancer (talk) 18:58, 4 November 2017 (UTC)

  1. I have to agree with that, making an article about it now would seem a bit behind the times, but our job is to report and refute authoritarianism, fundamentalism, and other forms of insane kookery, so I doubt the interplay between time and relevance is going to stop the mission. - Byron Wannabe (Flay me alive) 2:02 AM, 11/28/18 EST

Keemstar and how he handles mental illness and depression[edit]

- He doesn't believe in mental illness or depression (despite being a narcissistic sociopath himself)

Link 1 and Link 2

- Pushed Etika to suicide, and harrassed Alinity after she was talking about her depression and suicidal thoughts

- Harrassed Foseytube and Bashuverse too, despite their mental problems. There's a pattern here.

DemSocks (talk) 17:28, 3 July 2020 (UTC)

Keemstar and The Alt Right[edit]

Defender of Richard Spencer

Big Killstream fan, supporter and frequent guest

--DemSocks (talk) 17:28, 3 July 2020 (UTC)