Talk:Rita Panahi

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Who, who who?[edit]

Like many editors and readers I am not from the United States.

I see the this draft currently tells me Rita Panahi is: "Basically the Laura Ingraham of Australia".

Which led me to ask myself who the hell is "Laura Ingraham"?

The "Laura Ingraham" article tells me that she is an: "Ann Coulter knock-off".

To be fair, I have vaguely heard of Ann Coulter. Nevertheless her article tells me she "realized the real money was in taking the Bill Maher-route of political jackassery".

Which led me to ask myself: "Bill Maher"? "Bill Maher"? I'm sure I have heard that name, but not in a political context. Fortunately that article started off by explaining who he was without reference to yet another US political pundit.

But perhaps we could assume less knowledge of foreign countries' political personalities?Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 15:46, 25 April 2024 (UTC)

She’s a far-right Australian demagogue for Sky News Australia, she’s a huge douchebag and an arrogant bitch. Rational Dude enter thy lair 03:49, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
Hm. Articles about small-time cranks tend to be something of a balancing act. RationalWiki's mission indicates that we should warn people about their stupidity and prevent them from gaining an audience or a fanbase. However, trying to do that is going to make people aware of their existence — people who otherwise might never hear about them. So we have to ask ourselves, "Is exposing this person as a fraud and/or idiot going to stop their career before it starts, or is it going to have the opposite effect?" --Luigifan18 (talk) 14:57, 1 September 2024 (UTC)
And yes, that is coming from the guy who almost always votes in the negative on AfD votes. But at some point, even I have to say "Hold on, “Don't feed the troll” applies to meatspace, too." --Luigifan18 (talk) 15:04, 1 September 2024 (UTC)