Talk:Sebastian Gorka

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Nazi vs. alt-right[edit]

@Rational Dude, I would like you to explain why Gorka, who belongs to an actual old-school Nazi organization, Vitézi Rend, should be called the euphemism "alt-right"[1] or even should be called"neo-Nazi". Bongolian (talk) 23:38, 25 March 2024 (UTC)

You said he was a neo-nazi as well, I'm using neo-nazi since old nazism was replaced by neo-nazism after world war 2. But I don't deny he's a nazi/neo-nazi. I'm just saying that I personally see the category of nazis better used for original nazis (pre 1945/end of ww2) as it prevents confusion. Rational Dude (talk) 01:09, 26 March 2024 (UTC)
If you look at the Neo-Nazism page and the Nazism template (Template:Nazism), you'll see that the template has both original ("First as tragedy") and successor ("Then as farce") Nazis, both people and organizations. Bongolian (talk) 01:23, 26 March 2024 (UTC)
Alright then, go back ahead and add it. But Gorka has the category of neo-nazis, and giving him the category of nazis is kinda redundant since neo-nazis already cover that. Rational Dude (talk) 01:26, 26 March 2024 (UTC)