What on Earth were you thinking?

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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You decided to keep an argument going that had been over for some time and make it ADK's problem. I decided to make it your problem instead. What is your justification for demanding an answer from ADK?

SuspectedReplicant retire me02:01, 8 May 2011

SR, fuck off. I asked A. a question. You have nothing to contribute besides being a weird sort of asshole. I still await A.'s answer. Not your tripe. ħumanUser talk:Human 02:03, 8 May 2011 (UTC)

ħumanUser talk:Human02:03, 8 May 2011

As Blue already commented, the answer is obvious. Your deliberate ignorance is an insult to the rest of us. All you are doing is perpetuating an argument that had finished of its own accord. Why are you doing that, Human? Why? What is your motivation for causing deliberate strife? What is your justification for - in your own words - "demanding" answers? To give you a taste of your own medicine: your answers are required NOW.

SuspectedReplicant retire me02:07, 8 May 2011

Yeah, SR, Troll. Honestly.

Blue (is useful)02:07, 8 May 2011

Blue, you are being less than useless. Me, a troll? Seriously? Get a grip.

ħumanUser talk:Human02:10, 8 May 2011