My Daily Schedule

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I wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep. Here is just a bit of what I have to go through:


6:16 AM Wake up.
6:45 AM Invent robot to grab breakfast for me.
6:66 AM Get daily briefing on progress on the secret atheist agenda.
7:10 AM Drive to [CLASSIFIED]. Spread the word of Athe, the founder of atheism.
8:00 AM Troll cold readers by answering no to all their questions.
8:20 AM Increase ego by reading random science article, allowing me to feel superior to everybody else.
8:30 AM Create new draft.
8:31 AM Procrastinate on finishing existing drafts.
9:00 AM Invent new fake evidence supporting evolution.
9:15 AM Attempt to be funny. (Usually ends in disaster.)
9:30 AM Receive payment for falsifying evidence for evolution.

See also[edit]