User talk:Bwochinski

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
You're a sysop402:16, 24 June 2012
odd time to join701:28, 9 June 2012
Join the collective000:23, 9 June 2012

You're a sysop

Try not to screw it up.

Bootmii(Nomic) 07:10, 14 June 2012

That was fast, thanks!

Hopefully my wiki editing wont suffer for this new found pressure.

Ben [talk]07:21, 14 June 2012

And, over a week later, Here is the manual

Тytalk01:56, 24 June 2012

I'd actually run across it already, but thanks :)

Ben [talk]02:12, 24 June 2012

NP, its what I'm here for.

Тytalk02:16, 24 June 2012

odd time to join

the LQT users given the problems its apparently facing.

il'Dictator Mikal00:40, 9 June 2012

Had no idea there were problems, just joined and like keeping things organized.
Doesn't seem to be anything catastrophically wrong at least.

Bentalk00:54, 9 June 2012

LiquidThreads isn't going anywhere, Mikal, because if it were removed, we'd lose a fuckton of talk.

Blue (pester)00:59, 9 June 2012

im making reference to the various threads on it and some problems i havent actually seen.

il'Dictator Mikal01:04, 9 June 2012

have a link to these threads?

Ben (talk)01:14, 9 June 2012