Branton Files

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The woo is out there
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Aliens did it...
...and ran away

The Branton Files are a series of documents on various conspiracy theories published by Branton (Bruce Alan DeWalton). The material covered ranges from UFOs, Hollow Earth, subterranean bases, war in heaven with some reptilians and German time travel experiments.

Bruce Alan DeWalton (born 1960) began publishing in 1995 after he discovered he had been abducted by aliens and programmed to work for them secretly. His research is an attempt by himself and like minded individuals to expose the TRUTH of the alien invasion.

He was involved in an automobile accident in 2000 and left mentally impaired. He now lives in a group home.


  • A Guide to Inner Earth
  • Mount Shasta, Home of the Ancients
  • The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth

External links