Branton Files

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The woo is out there
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Aliens did it...
...and ran away

The Branton Files are a series of documents on various conspiracy theories published by Bruce Alan DeWalton (or Bruce Alan Walton) under the pseudonym Branton (Bruce Alan (De) Walton) in 1999 and 2000. The material covered ranges from UFOs, Hollow Earth, subterranean bases, a cosmic war in heaven with some reptilians and German time travel experiments.

Identity and biography[edit]

"Branton" claims to a CIA agent who was "electronically induced with an alternative personality which was "programmed" to serve the CIA Black Projects[sic] and the Bavarian-Gray collective[sic]. In this alternate or "double life" he had access to several underground bases, and has apparently encountered several alien groups as well."[1]

More likely, "Branton" was former Mormon and Utah-based writer Bruce Allan DeWalton.[2]:122 Branton claims to have had "emotional and psychological disabilities", which he attributes to malevolent aliens.[2]:122 Branton claims to have been in his thirties when he wrote the files.[2]:122


Aliens and the war in heaven[edit]

The driving force that animates most of Branton's conspiracy theories is the cosmic "war in heaven", between various alien factions. The factions are:

  • The United Federation,[note 1] who are human and therefore good.
  • The Draconian Empire, which are reptilian and therefore evil.
  • The non-aligned "Ashtar-Bavarian Command".[3] This war is occurring on Earth in a system of underground tunnels called "dreamland". Branton claims all of these groups have secret bases and human contact groups on Earth.

Jesuit Illuminati Freemasons[edit]

Branton believes that the Illuminati was created by the Jesuits. What is his evidence? Here:[4]

Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt who ’started’ the order in Bavaria, GERMANY was a Jesuit.[sic]

In reality, the sole connection Weishaupt has to the Jesuits is... he attended a Jesuit school, and took a position previously only held by Jesuits.[5]

Freemasonry, is of course, a creation of the Jesuits:[4]

Also, the ’Scottish Rite’ of Masonry which advocates the destruction of National Sovereignties in exchange for Illuminati government has allegedly been traced back to the Jesuit college at Clermont in Paris, as have been other Jesuit-initiated Masonic rites.[sic][note 2]

And of course, the Jesuits secretly work for the Draconian Empire.[4]


  • A Guide to Inner Earth
  • Mount Shasta, Home of the Ancients
  • The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth

External links[edit]


  1. In an amusing anecdote, Branton claims:[3]

    Federation personnel apparently contacted William Shatner in the Mojave desert years before he became famous for his part in the STAR TREK series, and certain ideas from real life turned up in the "inspired" television series.

    Note: William Shatner did not create Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry did.
  2. How does one "allegedly" trace something?


  1. About Branton
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Michael Barkun (2006). A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-24812-0.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Dreamland in the Rockies
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The secrets of the Mojave, page 2
  5. See the Wikipedia article on Adam Weishaupt.