Endangered species

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This poor little guy needs help.
This fly is also endangered, but it's not cute and furry so meh.
A buncha tree-huggers
Save the rainforests!
Watch that carbon footprint!

An endangered species is a species of which is in danger of extinction from human activities. Authorities classify species as endangered for several reasons, such as decreasing numbers or naturally low population numbers. The protection of endangered species is a big part of environmentalism. The U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 created legal protections for species on the list. This, of course, angers libertarians, who see its protections as infringing upon property rights, and its expense as excessive. There have, of course, been excesses, but the overall impact of the ESA has been positive.

The species homo sapiens became endangered at least as early as the 1950s, but ranks as far too (self-)important for listing as endangered.

Some well known endangered species[edit]

  • Black-Footed Ferret
  • Kakapo
  • Asian Elephant
  • Giant Panda (formerly)
  • Republicans with a soul
  • Red Panda
  • Blue Whale
  • Black Rhinoceros

See also[edit]