This is an archive page, last updated 5 July 2019. Please do not make edits to this page.
Acharya S
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations;
Notes: few citations, doesn't go into her beliefs in detail
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations; Needs more snark;
Notes: only three lines long, no citations
Bradley Monton
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more snark;
Notes: barely covers his beliefs
Dag Hammarskjöld
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations; Needs more missional content; Needs more snark;
Notes: barely covers the conspiracy that he's there for in the first place.
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations;
Notes: one citation on an aside, barely talks about what they were supporting
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations;
Notes: no citations, dosen't really cover much about anointing at all outside of possible contents historically in the oil (also uncited).
Alien invasion
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations; Needs more missional content;
Notes: doesn't speak about people who believe aliens have/will invade.
Notes: Needs to be more organized
Problems: Needs more content; Needs more citations;