RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/February 2018

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February 2018[edit]

29Alex Jones: Transgender Rights Activism Is Really About Cyborgs
9US First Lady Melania Trump has called for adults to "take the lead" to encourage children to develop "positive habits with social media and technology".
57Jerome Corsi thinks Obama's official portrait is symbolic of "the pedophilia they’re engaging in." No surprise, Sean Hannity also thinks it contains "secret sperm."
38InfoWars — The stock market didn't crash because of Trump, it crashed because of a globalist conspiracy.
46"Classical liberal" intellectual du jour Ayatollah Jordan Peterson feels that women who wear makeup or high heels to work but don't want to be sexually harassed are hypocrites, and that we just don't know if it's going to work long-term to allow women into the workplace.
16Aeon claims that "cosmopsychism" is a likely answer as to how "fine-tuned" the universe is. Another code word for the "anthropic principle".
45One of the members of Donald Trump's "evangelical advisory board" says you don't need a flu shot -- just pray the flu away.
38Sean Hannity knows who to blame for the Dow's sudden plunge: Obama.