RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/January 2022

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This is an archive page, last updated 27 July 2022. Please do not make edits to this page.

January 2022[edit]

61Jordan Peterson finds a new (stupid) reason to deny climate change: scientists can't predict the stock market , so why trust their predictions of climate?
49Faux News attempts to highlight empty store shelves, as a result of Biden's policies, by showing a picture from an abandoned Fukushima, Japan store, taken in 2011, complete with Japanese language signs.
23Associated PressWikipedia jumps on the NFT bandwagon. Note typical “eco-friendly NFT” greenwashing.
18New York (com)Post disagrees with the new Manhattan DA's decision not to go tough on crime and goes on a psychotic rant about it.
18"Brother" Shane Vaughn, batshit insane extremist Mississippi preacher, known for spouting right wing conspiracy theories, curses Black Lives Matter as demons from hell
45Twitter permanently suspends Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal account due to repeated violations of its Covid-19 misinformation policy. Greene responded by saying, "Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth."