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Marjorie Taylor Greene

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Why does she look like the most stereotypical conservative you find on Facebook?[note 1]
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Every Republican, every Christian Conservative is going to be called a racist and a bigot.
—Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is an unabashed racist and bigot among a party that coddles racists and bigots[2]
We're all done now... why don't you go talk about Jewish space lasers and really why don't you f*** off.
—Marjorie Taylor Greene to British journalist Emily Matlis[3]

Marjorie Taylor "Jewish Space Lasers"[4] Greene, frequently abbreviated as MTG,[note 2] (1974–) is one of the first two QAnon conspiracy nuts ever to be elected to the United States Congress (the other being Greene's now arch-nemesis[5] Lauren Boebert). Greene represents Georgia's 14th House district, whose inhabitants ought to be ashamed of themselves. A fellow Republican in Congress described her as "cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs."[6]

Background (Georgia really sent their finest, didn't they?)[edit]

Conspiracy theories had festered and writhed on the fringes and underbelly of the American conservative movement for decades. However, with the Mango Messiah's election in 2016, the worst of the conspiracies were elevated from the lowest rung on the ladder of the conservative movement to holier than Saint Ronnie himself. By the time of the 2020 presidential election, these foul conspiracy theories had essentially replaced the entire conservative movement (now a personality cult), in addition to the entirety of the US Republican Party's platform.[7] (They literally didn't even bother writing a party platform in 2020 and just glided on conspiracies and Trump instead.)[8]

Into this shitshow strutted Greene, spewing forth all the nastiest popular conspiracy theories. If she's just wanting attention from her craziest, most hateful shit on TV or if she's a true believer, it doesn't matter since she gets some support from Republicans. She's been recorded saying, on tape, that Hillary Clinton secretly murdered John F. Kennedy Jr.[7] She also believes that there's a Satanic, pedophilic cult of blood-drinkers and baby-eaters operating out of a random pizza restaurant. She's perfect.

What kind of assholes vote for Greene?[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Asshole

At this point, you might be wondering what kinds of assholes vote for this bigoted boob. Greene attended the South Forsyth County High School.[9] In 1992 when Greene was a senior in high school, a small group of African Americans went to Forsyth County in a peaceful protest for civil rights.[9] The protesters were met with racist epithets and physical violence, "rocks, bottles and mud thrown from a crowd of Ku Klux Klan members and their supporters", and were forced to turn back.[9] Forsyth County had been the site of a 1912 lynching that resulted in a de facto whites-only policy for the entire county.[9] As of 2021, only 4% of county residents are African American, compared to a one-third state-wide average, resulting in what has been called the most successful ethnic cleansing in the United States.[9] Although Greene does not represent this county, she does represent a similar and even whiter part of northern Georgia that is only 9% African American and 77% white.[10][11]

So, yeah, the answer to the question? Bigots. Just pure, unadulterated evil and stupidity.

Conspiracy crazinesss[edit]

Greene shows a Scooby-Doo meme on the floor of the US House. No, this is not photoshopped.

Greene promotes Qanon, the granddaddy of late-2010s conspiracy theories. She lives up to the spirit of the dirty intersection sign-holder and screamer by offering a balanced, well-minced, full-bodied blend of racism, anti-semitism, and Islamophobia, with delicate hints of medical denialism and a dainty finish of advocacy for outright crime. To finish it off, she's confrontational and likes to draw attention to herself in public by saying the craziest shit including harassing people with dishonest questions. According to her, the American government, when ruled by people she doesn't like, is a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles that can only be defeated by conspiracy nuts like herself.[2] After all, the Clintons killed JFK Jr.[12] Since she's already off the deep end, it's only natural that Greene would propose violence. Greene's Facebook feed included several endorsements of violence against Democrats, including against Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.[13] Greene additionally liked comments that suggested execution of FBI agents who are part of the "deep state".[13] In spite of this, her Facebook page remains active… unfortunately.

Her conspiracies offer a ton of anti-semitism, but it's often incoherent. Wildfires are caused by secret space lasers that are operated by DA JOOZ![14] Meanwhile, she's not shy to compare people to Nazis, probably as a weak distraction from her proto-fashy viewpoints, even though she would likely take offense at being called a Nazi. For instance, George Soros, despite being from a Jewish family that was hunted by Nazis and a well-known target for anti-semitic conspiracy theories, is somehow secretly a Nazi.[2] Black Lives Matter are also Nazis, somehow[15] as well as the Democrats.[16][note 3] She also engages in 9/11 truther crap, claiming that there was no evidence that an airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11.[12]

When questioned about conspiracy theories and Jewish Space Lasers by British journalist Emily Matlis at Mar-a-Lago on Super Tuesday 2024, she responded by telling Matis "You're a conspiracy theorist" and "why don't you f*** off".[3]

Like Alex Jones when he attempted to spread vile lies about the Sandy Hook massacre, Greene believes that the Parkland mass shooting was a false flag,[17] and she harassed mass shooting survivor David Hogg in 2018.[18] She had previously referred to Hogg as "Little Hitler".[15] Her behavior is quite similar to another right-wing gun nut Kaitlin Bennett, who also liked to draw attention to herself by harassing people and posing them with blatant dishonest questions.

Like many wingnuts, she hates Barack Obama. She claims that Obama is secretly a Muslim[12] and that he commands Latino gangs as his personal death squads.[19]

Anti-masker anti-vaxxer assholery[edit]

Stupid people wear masks like this to identify each other.
For more information, see: COVID-19 denialism

It is sooooo "oppressive" that elected congresspeople like her have to wear face masks. Oh, won't someone please think of the poor, oppressed elected congresspeople!?!?? Despite having a political pedigree that dates back to American Nazism, Greene has compared wearing face masks for protecting against COVID to the German Nazi practice of forcing Jews to wear a star of David on their clothing when in public,[20] (oh yeah? So where's your space laser, Marj?) for which she later apologized outside the United States Holocaust Museum in June 2021.[16] This is something that one could possibly believe was a genuine apology except that she continues to maintain that the US Democratic Party is just like the German Nazi Party (NSDAP), and for timing that indicated that it was an attempt to avoid being censured by Congress.[16]

To prove that you can place a person at an educational institution (the Holocaust Museum), but you can't make them learn, Greene made another Nazi analogy by comparing the offering of voluntary COVID vaccinations to Nazi brownshirts in July of 2021.[21]

Also in July 2021, Greene was criticized for arguing against the COVID-19 vaccine by asserting that the virus was "not dangerous for non-obese people and those under 65", a statement that is blatantly false.[22] This would not be the only time Greene falsely blamed obesity rather than COVID-19 for COVID-related deaths. In December of that year, she tweeted: "…our response to #COVID19 should be working towards ending obesity…"[23] In September 2021, Greene tweeted in a Twitter conversation with entrepreneur Mark Cuban: "Obesity. When do we help people overcome the highest risk factor for being hospitalized & dying from covid?"[24]


See the main article on this topic: Bigotry

Greene is a vehement Islamophobe. She says that Muslim people should be barred from holding public office, in spite of the fact that this would be exactly the sort of anti-religious conspiracy that Greene fantasizes she herself is the victim of. (And it would be illegal.)[19] Greene also promoted an anti-refugee and anti-semitic propaganda video that demonised Africans and Muslims, promoted The Great Replacement conspiracy theory and promoted anti-semitic conspiracy theories blaming Jews for Muslim immigration to Europe.[25]

During Greene's initial 2020 candidacy, she made a statement suggesting that African American people, who are "held slaves to the Democratic party", should be "proud" of Confederate monuments, "because I'd say, 'Look how far I have come in this country".[26]

At times it's difficult to disentangle whether MTG is just being fucking nuts, being nakedly anti-semitic, engaging schizofascism, or stooging for the Putin party line that Ukraine should just roll over and enjoy being conquered by Russia. "It’s antisemitic to make Israeli aid contingent on funding Ukrainian Nazis."[27] MTG hates talking to reporters about "Jewish space lasers", but she can't seem to quit them either, even putting a reference to them in a troll amendment that she offered in the House ("By the funds made available by this Act, such sums as necessary shall be used for the development of space laser technology on the southwest border."[28][29]

Anti-LGBT rhetoric[edit]

Greene and Chaya Raichik in 2023.
See the main articles on this topic: Homophobia and Transphobia

She hates LGBT people (especially trans people) and she essentially, blames all of society's ills on their existence.

She thinks that transgender people aren't real, and are also, somehow, an abomination that threatens children. Likely as a hateful publicity stunt, she filmed herself yelling loudly about this topic in a public library.[15]

In February 2021, Greene also had harassed her office neighbor, Marie Newman (D-IL), because Newman had put up a trans pride flag in support of her daughter, and Greene referred to Newman's daughter as her "biological son".[30] Rude. About a year later, on InfoWars, Greene called for violence against transgender people to "protect" cis women and girls. She also claimed that trans children are "being groomed" by their parents.[31]

Shortly before the incident with Newman's daughter, Greene co-sponsored a bill known as the "Old Glory Only Act", which would make it illegal for US diplomatic and consular posts to fly any flag other than the US national flag, which was intended to prevent them from flying pride flags as had happened several times before. Afterwards, she actually whined that while Twitter allowed people to post consensual pornography, she was banned from Twitter for being transphobic (or in her words: "…I absolutely believe with all my heart that God's creation is he created them male and female and that should not be denied…"[32]).

In May 2022, she claimed that the Uvalde, Texas school shooter was transgender, her proof being pictures of random trans women with a vague resemblance who don't even live in Texas. This claim has been stated and spread around by various transphobes, despite the fact it originated from a 4chan prank.[33] Of course, if you are transphobic because of the actions of a single individual, that is a problem with you. In that same month Greene also claimed that cisgender and heterosexual gender-conforming people will go "extinct" within the next 150 years due to LGBT-inclusive educators, calling them "trans terrorists", and claiming that transgender people were more dangerous than white supremacists. [34][35] The icing on the cake is that she claimed that monkeypox is only transmittable through gay sex.

In June 2022, she claimed that the reason for tampon shortages, is because of… trans people.[36]

After the 2023 Covenant School shootingWikipedia, after learning the preliminary reports indicated that the perpetrator was transgender, Greene (of course) immediately attacked transgender medical care, implying that this was to blame for the incident ("How much hormones like testosterone and medications for mental illness was the transgender Nashville school shooter taking?"). This despite there being no news reports of what kind of care the perpetrator was receiving at the time.[37] She then re-tweeted some unfounded bullshit that the shooting was a product of "antifa" and "trans-terrorism". Further adding to her bullshit, she stated that the shooting was part of a very scary-sounding (for those who don't know how to Google) "Trans Day of Vengeance"; in reality, the "Trans Day of Vengeance" was (for those that know how to Google) an unrelated minor pro-transgender protest "event" scheduled on April 1st 2023 in Washington DC.[note 4] All this was actually too far for Elon "Unban Everyone" Musk's Twitter, which temporarily suspended Greene's Congressional Twitter account.[39]

Pivot… or not[edit]

Rep. Green with Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), who is under investigation for sex trafficking of minors.[40] GOP Psychological projection, anyone?

Immediately after she won her primary election (the only election that matters in her very Republican district) Greene distanced herself from QAnon in a Fox News interview. Apparently she finally noticed that Q had been lying the whole time![41] The reality is that she may no longer be talking about 'Q', but still believes that there is a secret plot to undermine Donald Trump[42] — get a fucking clue, there's nothing secret about it (at the time one impeachment, the Mueller investigation and the broader Trump-Russia connection).

These days, Greene can be found literally chasing her fellow members of Congress around in the hallways, yelling "why do you support terrorists and Antifa?" at them. Her targets in Congress have requested additional security to deal with Greene physically trying to run them down at work.[43]

Vladimir Putin's asset[edit]

After Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Greene blamed Ukraine,[44] praised the invasion and vocally supported Vladimir Putin.[45] In a speech full of conspiracy theories and misinformation, she babbled:

If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to Ukraine to fight a war they cannot possibly win.[46]

MTG has spread enormous doses of Russia propaganda ever since.[47] One of the most unhinged moments happened in April 2024, when Greene stated that the Russo-Ukrainian War is

"a war on Christianity. The Ukrainian government is attacking Christians. The Ukrainian government is executing priests. Russia is not doing that. They’re not attacking Christianity. They seem to be protecting it, so that’s something else that’s clear and obvious to many people that are looking closely to what’s going on.”[48]

In April 2024, she earned the nickname "Moscow Marjorie" by the fellow Republican Ken Buck[49] due to her threats to oust Mike Johnson from the speakership after his attempts to give Ukraine aid.[50]

Too extreme even for the GOP[edit]

I think the MTGs are legitimately nuts...
Adam SchiffWikipedia[51]

On multiple occasions, Greene's rhetoric has been too repulsive even for the GOP to ignore. Many GOP politicians (such as House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, who can get extreme himself) condemned Greene's statement suggesting Black people should be proud of Confederate monuments.[26] Multiple GOP politicians also condemned Greene's repulsive Godwin's Law evocation when she compared face masks to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.[52]

In April 2023, two sets of classified documents of the United States began circulating on social media platforms like 4chan and Twitter. These Pentagon document leaksWikipedia allegedly were first posted on Discord by a National Guard airman named Jack Teixeira. Hours after federal authorities arrested Teixeira, Greene, without any basis, tweeted that Teixeira was being targeted because he was "white, male, Christian, and antiwar".[53] These remarks were widely criticized from all political sides, with many commenting that defending a person who allegedly haphazardly posted US classified documents on social media is conduct hardly befitting of a member of the Homeland Security Committee.[54] In particular, Lindsey Graham slammed Greene for being "terribly irresponsible";[55] Greene childishly responded by tweeting a doctored image of Graham holding a can of Bud LightWikipedia, which at that time was the idée fixe of right-wing cancel culture.[56][note 5]

Hiring a pedophilia apologist[edit]

Despite her prior conspiratorial ranting against alleged pedophiles, Greene hired pedophilia apologist Milo Yiannopoulos as a Congressional intern in 2022 (allegedly unpaid, but possibly up to $35K/year).[58] Yiannopoulos is reportedly also opening a conversion therapy clinic in Florida,[58] so he will clearly not be focused on anything except self-promotion.

Meddlesome, entitled, and very dumb[edit]

The letter explaining that Greene is an ignoramus
My god. We’ve got a KarenWikipedia in Congress now.
Jimmy Kimmell,Wikipedia on his Februrary 25, 2021 show, responding to Greene's harassment of Marie Newman.[59]

Bar the occasional laughable attempt to impeach Joe Biden, Greene unsurprisingly has been completely unproductive in Congress, as far as doing anything that one would expect a House representative to do (such as writing bills or debating legislation in committees).[60] Instead, Greene prefers to spend much of her day engaging in dumb Twitter wars. Greene particularly relishes feuds with her fellow GOP representatives. Some of her more notable battles include feuds with Nancy MaceWikipedia (who called Greene "batshit crazy" and also used the ultimate Southern insult against her, "bless her heart"),[61] and Dan CrenshawWikipedia (who suggested that Greene might be an "idiot", and also suggested that she was the ultimate Republican bête noire, a "Democrat").[62] Greene also yelled at Liz Cheney when Cheney called Greene a "joke",[4] citing her bewildering "Jewish space lasers started the 2018 California wildfires" Facebook post that generated quite a few bemused memes online in 2021.[63]

Unsurprisingly, her behavior with Democrats is hardly any better. One Democratic Congresswoman, Cori Bush,Wikipedia even moved her office far away from Greene's in order to avoid her noxious, childish behavior.[64]

Like many bullies, however, Greene's constant yelling and Twitter wars (the latter often with multiple spelling and grammar errors, not unlike her idol)[65][66] is paired with appalling idiocy. Lowlights include calling Guam a foreign country[67] (well, it sounds furr'n, dunnit?) and claiming that (contrary to what's actually in the Constitution) Democrats were attempting a coup by impeaching Trump a second time a couple of days after the Trump-inspired auto-coup on January 6, 2021.[68] She even engaged in not even wrong levels of rhetoric in September 2021 when, in explaining her opposition to the Green New Deal,Wikipedia she brought to the Congress floor a bizarre Scooby-DooWikipedia cartoon. The cartoon included a non sequitur reference to "communism" in the form of the old hammer-and-sickle USSR flag,Wikipedia suggesting that Greene has not paid much attention to world news for the past 30 years.[69]

In July 2023, during a hearing tangential to the Hunter Biden manufactroversy, Greene showed that her bullying tactics even extended to revenge porn.Wikipedia During the hearing, which was about a legitimate IRS investigation into issues with Hunter Biden's taxes, Greene showed (without consent) nudes of Hunter Biden, suggesting without evidence that he was "making pornography" and somehow engaging in trafficking and violating the Mann Act.Wikipedia[70][71] This "completely irrelevant" and "deliberately provocative and sensationalistic and voyeuristic" stunt was condemned by Democrats on the committee.[70] Despite the rebuke, Greene doubled down and shared video of the hearing ("dick pics" and all) on her Twitter account.[72] Later, she posted a link to this tweet on a press release.[73] To Democrat politicians, this was seen as further evidence regarding just how vapid the Hunter Biden manufactroversy was (as Robert GarciaWikipedia (D-CA) stated, "A lot of allegations. Zero proof. No receipts. But apparently, some dick pics.")[74]

Greene is, naturally, anti-science. On a Steve Bannon podcast, while discussing evolution, she said that she doesn't "believe in that type of so-called science", instead preferring to spend the podcast babbling about COVID-19 bioweapon conspiracy theories.[75] Of course, Greene has no problem misusing scientific terminology if it suits her ideology. During the previously mentioned spat with Newman, Greene "countered" by hanging up a transphobic sign on her door that said, "There are TWO genders: MALE & FEMALE. Trust the science!"[76] You may be shocked to hear that this position on gender is contrary to what actual scientists currently think (non-binary gender).[77]

Meet the new fascists, same as the old fascists[edit]

Greene offered one lucky patriot the opportunity to hunt hogs with her.[78] Because wouldn't you want a person like this holding a rifle in your vicinity?

In 1940, the America First CommitteeWikipedia (AFC) was founded. Initially anti-war and isolationist in a more mainstream fashion, it ended up being dominated by pro-fascists and pro-Nazi members. Perhaps most famously, Charles Lindbergh was a member. His early aviation triumphs were diminished by actions in the committee widely seen as sympathetic to Nazis, including a famous anti-Semitic AFC speech on September 11, 1941 where he spouted Jewish conspiracy theories.[79][80] In 1943, there were enough Nazi sympathizers around to form a very minor, but even more extreme party (co-opting the AFC name) called the America First PartyWikipedia. The short-lived political party was led by Gerald L. K. SmithWikipedia (a fascist who also was a member of the Silver Legion of AmericaWikipedia or "Silver Shirts", a copy of Mussolini's blackshirtsWikipedia).[81] Smith was known for advancing policy points that wouldn't sound out of place in the Trump-aligned GOP of 2020: "preserve America as a Christian Nation", "oppose a world government and a super-state", and "safeguard America's tradition in relationship to immigration". "America First", not entirely coincidentally, was a favorite slogan of Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign.[82][83] The similarity between the rhetoric of Donald Trump and the rhetoric of anti-semitic American Nazis of the past was startling enough for the Anti-Defamation League to express serious concern about Trump's choice of phrase.[84] Also not entirely coincidentally, alt-right white supremacists such as Nick Fuentes utilized the phrase "America First" in naming their podcasts and conferences.[85][86]

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy swears Greene into the US House.

On April 16, 2021, a news service called "Punchbowl News" (founded by journalist Jake ShermanWikipedia) released a leaked memo which detailed Greene's plans to launch the America First Caucus.[87] The policy platform[88] would've made Smith proud. The document contained a strong nativist and isolationist streak, championing "uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions". The caucus was founded by Greene and fellow extremist Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ),[87] who ironically is not Anglo-Saxon (he is Slovenian and Basque).[89] The document contained a strong anti-immigration section that went out of its way to demonize immigrants, highlighting the supposed decreased "capital-to-labor ratio" (i.e., supposed less productive nature) of "post-1965 immigrants" in particular. (1965 was the year that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965Wikipedia was passed, abolishing a quota system that favored immigrants from northwest Europe.)[90] The America First Caucus even wanted infrastructure projects to "(befit) the progeny of European architecture" for some reason (reminiscent of "degenerate art"). Naturally, the document also made musings at modern conservative boogeymen as well, such as echoing Trump's supposed "election fraud" claims (fraud claims that often seemed to target Black city voters)[91] and a supposed need for "civic and cultural assimilation" in American education (a concern that suspiciously sounded like a desire to whitewashWikipedia racism away from educational books). The nativist blabber, of course, was topped with anti-face mask and anti-COVID-19 lockdown positions as well.[88][92]

The caucus proposal, widely derided in the general media, ended up being too racist even for the GOP. House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy was one of many Republicans in Congress who slammed the caucus idea, calling the proposal a "nativist dog whistle".[93] Due to the strong political blowback, on April 17, 2021, a spokesperson/scapegoat for Greene, Nick Dyer, said that "she didn't approve that language" and has "no plans to launch anything". This despite Dyer announcing the caucus launch just a day earlier.[94] The denial that Greene herself wasn't behind the caucus was rather unconvincing when held up to scrutiny.[95] The caucus gained three other supporters before it collapsed: Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Barry Moore (R-AL) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL).[87]

On a lighter note, in February 2022 Greene made an amusing comment on Real America with Dan Ball, a charade news program produced by the One America News Network television channel. Greene proposed one of the most intriguing malapropisms since the Bowery Boys program.[96] Evidently she is equally ignorant of the German Gestapo, the Soviet forced labor prisons, and its monstrosities as she is of Spanish cold soup:

Not only do we have the DC jail which is the DC gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi’s gazpachoWikipedia police spying on members of Congress, spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff and spying on American citizens.[97]

Some sanctions on social media[edit]

Greene rants about something on social media.

After letting her spew forth for years, Twitter has had enough… somewhat. Greene has faced multiple Twitter suspensions. One temporary suspension was made on January 17, 2021 owing to company policy to suspending various QAnon accounts.[98] Greene, after every suspension was lifted, just carried on like usual, repeatedly tweeting large amounts of bullshit about COVID-19 and other things. It then took Twitter the very quick and responsible action of waiting a little under a year until January 2, 2022 to finally permanently suspend Greene's personal Twitter.[99] Meanwhile, Facebook gave her a slap on the wrist by suspending her for 24 hours, despite probably banning people for way less heinous content.[100] Greene didn't get the memo about her prior suspensions' giving her multiple chances and threw a tantrum, insinuating "censorship", and beckoning fellow Republicans to leave Twitter. It's the usual {if-then} script from her ilk, and even other Republicans joined in with the bullshit accusations.[101] Despite this, still not getting the memo, she resumed tweeting her brand garbage on her official Congressional Twitter account,[102] likely betting on Twitter taking 5 years to permanently suspend that account too.

Will it take a decade for Facebook to remove Greene for rampant COVID-19 disinformation?

Of course, despite the predictable cries of "censorship" for the light detentions she received, previously, Greene got very upset over regulations that forbade political figures to block their critics on the official public Twitter accounts. Because naturally, it's not "censorship" if she's the one doing it.[103]

Insurrectionist wannabe[edit]

See the main article on this topic: 2021 U.S. Capitol riot

Greene's ability to run for office in 2022 was challenged in court based on the insurrection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; a judge dismissed the case for insufficient evidence.[104]

While the insurrectionists were still breaching the Capitol, Greene had already broached the false idea that they were Antifa members dressed as Trump supporters in a text message to Trump's chief of staff, Mark Meadows.[105] This false idea became a conspiracy theory that Greene later promoted.[106]

However, Greene reportedly sought a Presidential pardon in the waning days of the Trump administrations, shortly after the coup attempt (the pardon was not granted). As Representative Adam Kinzinger of the January 6 Committee stated, "The only reason I know to ask for a pardon is because you think you've committed a crime."[107]

Greene actually wishes that she was a terrorist overthrowing democracy. In 2022 she bragged in a chickenhawkish sort of way, "If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed."[108]

In February 2023, echoing suggestions Greene has made in the past, Greene made headlines for tweeting a call for a "national divorce" (eg separating "blue states" and "red states"), purportedly due to "the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies".[109][note 6] Even Republican politicians such as Mitt Romney, who called Greene part of the "looney right", saw through this statement as being nothing more than a troll shitpost from an edgelord trying to "get a headline and get people to send them money". [110] Another Republican, Spencer CoxWikipedia, called Greene's rhetoric "evil" and echoed Romney: "We need elected leaders that don’t profit by tearing us apart."[111] Greene, naturally, ignored these criticisms and later appeared on long-time troll Charlie Kirk's program to suggest that Democrats who move to "red states" shouldn't be able to "get to vote for five years".[112]

Greene's long history of violent and incendiary rhetoric was enough for all Democrats (as well as 11 Republicans) to strip Greene of her committee assignments in February 2021.[113] In a sign of just how bad MAGA extremism has infected the Republican party, on January 10 2023, Kevin McCarthy gave Greene a spot on the House Homeland Security CommitteeWikipedia.[114] This led to widespread criticism, including a direct condemnation from former Department of Homeland SecurityWikipedia Chief of Staff Miles TaylorWikipedia, who tweeted, "The woman who said ‘We would have won’ if she’d led the terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol… is now on the Committee charged with countering terrorism. MTG is a danger to national security. Really."[115]

It bothers me and should bother all of you that MTG is claiming to be pro-Trump and using Trump to boost her profile, while she and her team are secretly undermining him by using Milo as a political operative to make Trump look bad. MTG is a snake and she needs to go. That's why I call her Marjorie TRAITOR Greene.
—Laura Loomer, staff member of the 2024 Trump presidental campaign[116]

External links[edit]


  1. The Georgia state flag is on the right, which oddly resembles the Three Percenters' flag. The Georgia pledge of allegiance to the state flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Georgia flag and to the principles for which it stands: Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation."[1] MTG: failure on all counts.
  2. We apologize on the behalf of Magic the Gathering.
  3. It's not unprecedented among conspiracists to simultaneously vilify others as Jews and Nazis indiscriminately, not even with visions of some kind of dastardly sci-fi order.
  4. The scheduled April 1st "event" in front of the US Supreme Court was posted by a very small San Francisco based transgender activist group called "Trans Radical Activist Network".[38]
  5. In early April 2023, Anheuser-Busch sent promotional cans of Bud Light to a transgender influencer named Dylan MulvaneyWikipedia. This caused a minor kerfluffle and calls for a "boycott" among certain "culture war" conservative figures (most notably has-been 1990s musician Kid RockWikipedia) because of reasons.[57]
  6. Ironically (and a point many commentators snickered over), one could argue that Greene's home state of Georgia arguably was a "blue state" at the time of her post using these simplistic divisions. Georgia's Senate representatives at the time were two Democrats, Jon OssoffWikipedia and Raphael WarnockWikipedia.[109]


  1. 2010 Georgia Code: Title 50 - State Government. Chapter 3 - State Flag, Seal, And Other Symbols. Article 1 - State And Other Flags § 50-3-2 - Pledge of allegiance to state flag 'Justia.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Republican Leaders Condemn a G.O.P. Congressional Candidate’s Racist Facebook Videos by Michael Levenson (June 17, 2020) The New York Times.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Shock moment Emily Maitlis told to 'f*** off' by Marjorie Taylor Greene for asking about Jewish space laser conspiracy by Emma Soteriou (March 6, 2024) LBC.
  4. 4.0 4.1 ‘You’re a joke’: Marjorie Taylor Greene clashes with critics over Jewish space lasers and alleged pro-Trump killer by Jade Bremmer (2021 October 25) Independent.
  5. "MTG confronted Boebert in the bathroom, accusing her of taking millions from McCarthy but refusing to vote for him: report" by Joshua Zitser, Business Insider, 2023 Jan 17
  6. QAnon Is Destroying the GOP From Within by Ben Sasse (January 16, 2021) The Atlantic.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Even if it wanted to, the Republican Party simply cannot stop the spread of the QAnon conspiracy and the candidates which support it. by Ben Margulies (October 8th, 2020) London School of Economics: Phelan US Centre.
  8. Why the GOP Didn’t Write a New Platform by Alex Shepard (August 27, 2020) The New Republic.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The Sickening History of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hometown by Kali Holloway (Updated May. 17, 2022 4:18PM ET / Published Feb. 15, 2021 4:57AM ET) Daily Beast.
  10. See the Wikipedia article on Georgia's 14th congressional district.
  11. See the Wikipedia article on Forsyth County, Georgia.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene video: Obama secretly a Muslim, Clintons killed JFK Jr., Pentagon attack on 9/11 is questionable by Catie Edmondson (Jan 30, 2021 at 11:36 AM) The New York Times via The Baltimore Sun.
  13. 13.0 13.1 The GOP’s Marjorie Taylor Greene problem is spinning out of control by Aaron Blake (Jan. 27, 2021 at 8:03 a.m. PST) The Washington Post.
  14. GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Secret Jewish Space Laser by Jonathan Chait (Jan. 28, 2021)New York Magazine.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia GOP House Primary winner, has disturbing and dangerous record of anti-LGBTQ and racist rhetoric and threatening behavior by Barbara Simon (August 13, 2020) GLAAD.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Rep. Greene apologizes for comparing face masks to Holocaust, but stands by comparison of Democrats to Nazi party by Felicia Sonmez (June 14, 2021 at 6:01 p.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  17. Parkland families call for Marjorie Taylor Greene's resignation after posts surface showing she agreed shooting was a 'false flag' by Dakin Andone (Updated 3:03 PM ET, Fri January 22, 2021) CNN.
  18. Video surfaces of Marjorie Taylor Greene confronting Parkland shooting survivor with baseless claims by Paul LeBlanc (January 28, 2021) CNN.
  19. 19.0 19.1 US: Proponent of 'QAnon' Conspiracy Theories, Marjorie Taylor Greene Wins House Seat (04/Nov/2020) The Wire (India).
  20. McCarthy, other congressional leaders condemn Greene for comparing coronavirus masking policies to the Holocaust by Mike DeBonis & John Wagner (May 25, 2021 at 4:05 p.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  21. Weeks after Holocaust Museum visit, Rep. Greene makes new Nazi-era comparison in opposing vaccination push by Felicia Sonmez (July 7, 2021) The Washington Post.
  22. Where Marjorie Taylor Greene’s False Claim About COVID-19 And Obesity Came From by Kaleigh Rogers (Jul. 28, 2021, at 11:26 AM) FiveThirtyEight.
  23. Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized COVID-19 restrictions saying 'not a single school has closed because of cancer' by Alia Shoaib (Dec 5, 2021, 5:36 AM) Business Insider.
  24. Obesity. When do we help people overcome the highest risk factor for being hospitalized & dying from covid? Obesity contributes to many unnecessary health conditions & debilitating cost. And we can listen to kid’s vax warnings from a hospital bed. by Marjorie Taylor Greene (10:08 AM - 13 Sep 2021) Twitter (archived from September 13, 2021).
  25. Marjorie Taylor Greene shared an anti-Muslim video that portrays Jewish people as trying to destroy Europe through immigration by Eric Hananoki (08/26/20 11:40 AM EDT) Media Matters for America.
  26. 26.0 26.1 "House GOP leaders condemn candidate who said black people should be 'proud' of Confederate statues" by Zack Budryk (06/17/20 5:44 PM ET) The Hill.
  27. It’s antisemitic to make Israeli aid contingent on funding Ukrainian Nazis. These should be separate bills. by Marjorie Taylor Greene (9:17 AM · Apr 14, 2024) Twitter (archived from April 16, 2024).
  28. Amendment to H.R.____ Offered by Mrs . Greene of Georgia (April 17, 2024) United States House of Representatives.
  29. Marjorie Taylor Greene would like to remind us that she is not serious by Philip Bump (April 18, 2024 at 10:43 a.m. EDT) The Washington Post.
  30. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene mocks Illinois Rep. Marie Newman’s transgender pride flag by Melissa Espana & Mike Lowe (Feb 25, 2021)WGN-TV.
  31. Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Violence Needed To 'Stand Up' To Trans People by Ewan Palmer (24 February 2022) Newsweek.
  32. What Marjorie Taylor Greene Said in Speech Denouncing QAnon—Full Transcript by Ewan Palmer (2/5/21 at 4:24 AM EST) Newsweek.
  33. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Latest Republican Spreading Lie Uvalde Massacre Gunman Was Transgender by Dawn Ennis (May 30, 2022,11:25pm EDT) Forbes.
  34. Marjorie Taylor Greene groundlessly claims straight people face extinction within 150 years because of LGBTQ+ education by Mia Jankowicz (Jun 1, 2022, 4:13 AM) Business Insider.
  35. Marjorie Taylor Greene says straight people will soon be extinct by Bil Browning (May 31, 2022) LGBTQ Nation.
  36. Marjorie Taylor Greene is spreading a baseless, transphobic rumor that the tampon shortage should be blamed on trans people by Cheryl Teh (Jun 14, 2022, 11:05 PM) Business Insider.
  37. "MTG Responds to Nashville Shooting by Calling for More Guns Around Kids" by Nikki McCann Ramirez, Rolling Stone, 2023 March 27
  38. "Trans Day of Vengeance", Trans Radical Activist Network, archive on March 28 2023
  39. "Marjorie Taylor Greene Twitter Suspended After Trans 'Vengeance' Warning" by Thomas Kika, Newsweek, 2023 March 28
  40. Who’s who in the Matt Gaetz scandal by Philip Bump (April 9, 2021 at 11:15 a.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  41. Marjorie Greene, controversial Georgia Republican, says she's not a QAnon candidate: Trump-backed candidate says she no longer talks about 'Q' after finding 'misinformation' by Marisa Schultz (August 14, 2020) Fox News.
  42. House Minority Leader McCarthy claims Reps.-elect Greene, Boebert 'denounced' QAnon; Greene has not by Derek Hawkins (November 12, 2020 at 1:12 p.m. PST) The Washington Post.
  43. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Really Great at Her Job: Professional Troll by Alex Shephard (May 14, 2021) The New Republic
  44. "Pro-Putin Republicans break ranks by heaping praise on Kremlin". 
  45. A layer cake of misinformation, dishonesty and pro-Russia apologism by Philip Bump (March 17, 2022 at 10:21 a.m. EDT) The Washington Post.
  46. Marjorie Taylor Greene panned as ‘useful idiot’ for Putin after speech full of Biden conspiracy theories by Josh Marcus (17 March 2022) The Independent.
  47. "America’s moment of truth on Ukraine". 
  48., Matt Arco | NJ Advance Media for (2024-04-10). "Why is Trump loyalist ‘Moscow’ Marjorie Taylor Greene spouting Russian propaganda? 2 experts believe they know." (in en). 
  49. Pengelly, Martin (2024-04-09). "‘Moscow Marjorie’: Republican accuses Greene of irresponsible Ukraine rhetoric" (in en-GB). The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. 
  50. Yilek, Caitlin (2024-04-09). "Marjorie Taylor Green renews threat to oust Speaker Mike Johnson - CBS News" (in en-US). 
  51. Marjorie Taylor Greene is ‘legitimately nuts’, says Adam Schiff by Gustaf Kilander, Independent, 2021 October 29
  52. "GOP leaders condemn Greene over Holocaust comments"
  53. "MTG, Homeland Security Member, Defends Suspected Pentagon Leaker" by Nikki McCann Ramirez, Rolling Stone, 2023 April 13
  54. "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Trashed For Cooking Up Wild Defense Of Alleged Leaker" by Ed Mazza, Huffington Post, 2023 April 14
  55. "Lindsey Graham slams Marjorie Taylor Greene for defending leak of classified documents" by Kelly Garrity, Politico, 2023 April 16
  56. "Bud Light boycott gets even weirder as Marjorie Taylor Greene posts doctored image of Lindsey Graham" by Ashlie D. Stevens, Salon, 2023 April 17
  57. "The Bud Light boycott, explained as much as is possible" by Emily Stewart, Vox, 2023 April 14
  58. 58.0 58.1 Milo Yiannopoulos, far-right provocateur, is a Marjorie Taylor Greene intern by Bryan Pietsch & John Wagner (June 7, 2022) The Washington Post.
  59. Jimmy Kimmel Brands Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Frontrunner for Worst Human of 2021’ by Marlow Stern (2021 February 26) Daily Beast.
  60. What does Marjorie Taylor Greene do all day? by Chris Cillizza, (2022 January 3) CNN.
  61. Nancy Mace calls Marjorie Taylor Greene a ‘religious bigot’ amid Twitter feud by Eric Garcia (2021 November 30) Independent.
  62. Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'Petty and Childish Attacks' Blasted by GOP Colleague Crenshaw by Jon Jackson (2022 January 3) Newsweek.
  63. Jewish Space Laser "Know Your Meme.
  64. Cori Bush moves office after being "berated" and "targeted" by Marjorie Taylor Greene by Grace Segers (2021 January 30) CBS News.
  65. 'Trouble spelling': AOC hits back at ex-QAnon supporter and GOP candidate Marjorie Greene over 'dumb blonde' jibe by Matt Mathers (2020 September 22) Independent.
  66. What ‘Your’ vs. ‘You’re’ says about Congress right now by Jim Saksa & Megan Mineiro (2021 December 2) Roll Call.
  67. Did Marjorie Taylor Greene Refer to Guam as a Foreign Country? by Dan MacGuill (12 Mar. 2021) Snopes.
  68. Congressional Democrats Threaten Yet Another Coup Attempt Against President Donald Trump by Marjorie Taylor Greene (January 11, 2021) United States House of Representatives.
  69. Ruh-Roh! Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Scooby-Doo’ Stunt Did Not Go Well by Lee Moran (23 September 2021) Huffington Post.
  70. 70.0 70.1 "Marjorie Taylor Greene’s explicit visuals at Hunter Biden hearing draw rebuke" by Mariana Alfaro, Washington Post, 2023 July 19
  71. "Why Is MTG Showing Sex Tape Pics on Capitol Hill?" by Nikki McCann Ramirez, Rolling Stone, 2023 July 19
  72. "Here is proof Hunter Biden paid prostitutes through his law firm, OWASCO PC, and trafficked his victims across state lines in violation of the Mann Act. Not only that, IRS whistleblowers confirm Hunter Biden committed tax fraud by deducting payments to prostitutes from OWASCO’s taxes." by Marjorie Taylor Greene, @RepMTG, Twitter, 2023 July 19, archived on 2023 July 20
  73. "BREAKING: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Confirms Hunter Biden Paid Prostitutes Through Law Firm, Committed Tax Fraud by Deducting Payments to Prostitutes", press release, 2023 July 19
  74. ""Zero proof, but apparently some d**k pics": MTG showing Hunter Biden nudes at hearing backfires" by Tatyana Tandanpolie, Salon, 2023 July 20
  75. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she doesn't believe in evolution by Christian Spencer,, 2021 June 11
  76. "Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For 'Trust The Science' In Anti-Trans Poster" by Samantha Lock (2021 February 25) Newsweek.
  77. US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science Editorial (2018 October 30) Nature 563(5). doi:10.1038/d41586-018-07238-8.
  78. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Inviting One Lucky Right-Winger To Hop On A Helicopter And Shoot Feral Hogs With Her. Uproxx.
  79. Lindbergh: Fallen Hero, PBS American Experience.
  80. Charles Lindbergh: Germany And The America First Movement Encyclopedia Britannica.
  81. "We Don't Want a Hitler Here", by Kirsten Delegard, the Historyapolis project, 2015 December 9th
  82. Trump’s ‘America First’ has ugly echoes from U.S. history by Susan Dunn (2016 April 28) CNN.
  83. Donald Trump’s new favorite slogan was invented for Nazi sympathizers by Eric Rauchway, Washington Post, 2016 June 14
  84. ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach (2016 April 28) ADL.
  85. How the far-right group behind AFPAC is using Twitter to grow its movement by Will Streakin (March 12, 2021) ABC News.
  86. Groyper Army (03.17.2020) ADL.
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz Launch ‘Anglo-Saxon’ ‘America First’ Caucus by Cameron Joseph & Liz Landers (2021 April 16) Vice.
  88. 88.0 88.1 America First Caucus Policy Platform (2021) Punchbowl News.
  89. See the Wikipedia article on Paul Gosar § Early life and education.
  90. The Immigration Act That Inadvertently Changed America by Tom Gjelten (2015 October 2) The Atlantic.
  91. The racist rhetoric behind accusing largely Black cities of voter fraud by Brandon Tensley (2020 November 20) CNN.
  92. Republicans are Basically Starting a White Supremacist Caucus by Bess Levin (2021 April 16) Vanity Fair.
  93. ‘Nativist Crap’: Critics Erupt In Fury Over New Conservative ‘Anglo-Saxon’ Caucus by Mary Papenfuss (2021 April 17) Huffington Post.
  94. Marjorie Taylor Greene scraps planned launch of controversial 'America First' caucus amid blowback from GOP by Daniella Diaz (2021 April 17) CNN.
  95. Marjorie Taylor Greene and the implosion of the America First Caucus by Aaron Blake (April 20, 2021 at 7:21 a.m. PDT) The Washington Post.
  96. Just to clear things up, @RepMTG Gazpacho: a vegetable-based Spanish cold soup Gestapo: Nazi Germany's secret police by @AccountableGOP (1:30 PM - 9 Feb 2022) Twitter (archived from February 9, 2022).
  97. ‘Gazpacho police’: Nazi gaffe lands Republican congresswoman in the soup. Marjorie Taylor Greene appears to confuse Hitler’s secret police with popular Spanish cold tomato soup (9 Feb 2022 18.52 EST) The Guardian.
  98. Twitter Suspends Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Account by Bill Chappell (January 17, 20215:22 PM ET) NPR.
  99. Twitter permanently suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal account by Doha Madani (2022 January 2) NBC News.
  100. Facebook suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene's account over COVID misinformation by Joe Hernandez (January 3, 20226:55 PM ET) NPR.
  101. Twitter's Marjorie Taylor Greene ban fuels GOP attacks on 'Big Tech' by Rebecca Klar (01/04/22 5:02 PM ET) The Hill.
  102. Marjorie Taylor Greene Resumes Tweeting Days After Urging Conservatives to Leave Twitter by Aila Slisco (1/6/22 at 6:16 PM EST) Newsweek.
  103. ‘They are bragging about donating the money to people who want to take my guns’: MTG rages after losing lawsuit by Oliver O'Connell (2021 March 27) Independent.
  104. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Beats 14th Amendment Disqualification Bid, as Judge Finds Evidence ‘Lacking’ That She’s an ‘Insurrectionist’ by Adam Klasfeld (May 6th, 2022, 4:02 pm) Law & Crime.
  105. Here Are All Of Marjorie Taylor Greene's January 6 Text Messages With Mark Meadows by Hunter Walker (October 16, 2022) Hunter Walker's Substack.
  106. The Breach: The Untold Story of the Investigation into January 6th by Denver Riggleman & Hunter Walker (2022) Henry Holt and Co. ISBN 1250866766.
  107. Here's every word from the fifth Jan. 6 committee hearing on its investigation (June 23, 20227:31 PM ET) NPR.
  108. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Capitol attack ‘would’ve been armed’ if I was in charge: Far-right congresswoman says the violent crowd would have won on January 6 if she and Steve Bannon had planned it by Ed Pilkington (12 Dec 2022 09.46 EST) The Guardian.
  109. 109.0 109.1 "Don’t pretend Greene’s ‘national divorce’ idea makes any sense" by Philip Bump, Washington Post, 2023 February 21
  110. "Mitt Romney says Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call for a ‘national divorce’ is ‘insanity’ and attention-seeking" by Bryan Schott, Salt Lake Tribune, 2023 February 21
  111. "Utah's Republican governor hits back at MTG's call to break up the United States: 'This rhetoric is destructive and wrong and—honestly—evil'" by Joshua Zitser, Business Insider, 2023 February 21
  112. "Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She Wants to Manipulate People’s Votes" by Prem Thakker, New Republic, 2023 February 21
  113. "House votes to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from committee assignments" by Clare Foran, Daniella Diaz and Annie Grayer, CNN, 2021 February 4
  114. "Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Pushed 9/11 Conspiracies, Will Sit on Homeland Security Committee" by Nikki McCann Ramirez, Rolling Stone, 2023 January 17
  115. "‘A danger to national security’: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s return to committees draws outrage" by Shannon Larson, Boston Globe, 2023 January 18
  116. "Marjorie Taylor Greene Warns Trump About Hiring Laura Loomer", Newsweek, 2023 April 7