RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/June 2017

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June 2017[edit]

42Apparently the risk of autism in vaccinated children is 420 percent higher than non-vaccinated children.
11Satire is dead, pt.94: Britain First republish an entertainment website's article about Jeremy Corbyn, not realising it's satire.
11A University of Utah professor claims that Republicans have happier marriages than Democrats; whites have happier marriages than blacks, and Republicans have better sex and more sex than Democrats. Also, "It’s not that much easier to understand the strong effects of party identification on marital infidelity."
16Terry Hurlbut goes full "false flag" on the Virginia shootings.
11Jesus Christ returns with proof of Creation, and it's good. Really good. Check Hammer and "to see" a kiss. He says proof and "Tribulation" quite a bit.
26Wayne Allyn Root: There's no difference between calling somebody "old" and calling them the n-word. (He says "the n-word".)