RationalWiki:Wiki fact

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Random technical wiki fact #1

Often the reason a page looks the same after you edit, or even refresh it, is that the page is cached. To get the page to reload properly, add ?action=purge to the address bar to purge that cache. You can also use the purgetab gadget. If a page needs to be purged regularly, consider using the purge template.

Technical facts[edit]

Random technical wiki fact #1
Often the reason a page looks the same after you edit, or even refresh it, is that the page is cached. To get the page to reload properly, add ?action=purge to the address bar to purge that cache. You can also use the purgetab gadget. If a page needs to be purged regularly, consider using the purge template.
Random technical wiki fact #2

You can adjust the length of the bars in the multiple vote above by tweaking your own personal monobook.css file. Simply copy and paste the following code into it:

.votecolumnback {
width:100px !important;

The bars will now be 100px long. You can adjust this to suit your browser settings.
Random technical wiki fact #3
If you would like to be able to add smileys quickly to your comments here at RationalWiki, click on My preferences -> Gadgets and under Editing gadgets tick the box Add a smiley toolbar. Don't forget to save your preferences. After refreshing you should now see a goat above the edit screen.
Random technical wiki fact #4
Most RationalWikians use the Recent changes list to see what is going on around the wiki. However if one article is receiving lots of edits in quick succession it can fill the list making it difficult to see what else is going on. By clicking on My preferences -> Recent changes and checking Enhanced recent changes, the recent changes will group edits to the same article together in a folding menu. As this will visually make the list shorter, you may also wish to increase the default number of edits the RC menu displays.
Random technical wiki fact #5

The pipe trick can save you from some fidgety editing, especially when trying to link across namespaces.

For example: by typing in [[Forum:Loya Jirga|]] the software will automatically place [[Forum:Loya Jirga|Loya Jirga]] for you when saving, resulting in Loya Jirga.

Another useful trick is disambiguations such as [[mass (physics)|]], which is automatically replaced with [[mass (physics)|mass]], resulting in mass.

You can even use this to link to other wikis, e.g, [[wp:Help:Pipe trick|]] produces Help:Pipe trick.

RationalWiki facts[edit]

Random RationalWiki fact #1
This is actually the second version of RationalWiki. The first version was a private wiki, viewable only to members. This version was started on May 22, 2007. On July 26, 2008 the main page under went its largest change and WIGO clogosphere, WIGO blogosphere, and WIGO world were created.
Random RationalWiki fact #2
The most linked to page on RationalWiki is Conservapedia, which was a focal point in the early history of RationalWiki, is linked to about 20,000 times in other pages. The second most linked to page is goat, the official mascot of RationalWiki, that appears in the text of over 14,000 pages and images, including this one!
Random RationalWiki fact #4
The most popular main space page on RationalWiki, after the main page, is Poe's Law. The most popular page overall is Conservapedia:What is going on at CP?, which was the first page to reach over 1,000,000 pageviews.
Random RationalWiki fact #5
RationalWiki has 109,861 registered usernames, of whom 1,285 are sysops. RationalWiki is very generous when handing out demotions.
Random RationalWiki fact #6
The {{RATIONALWiki}} template has been used in more than 250 RationalWiki talk pages. RationalWiki users are rarely ever sober.