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One double standard is that women can commit infidelity.--Yuppie (talk) 21:00, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Tell that to all the women beaten by their husbands for it. Тytalk 21:03, 1 September 2011 (UTC)
And men can't? tell that to all the guys running around having affairs.Pink mowse.pngEn attendant Godot 21:06, 1 September 2011 (UTC)


It should be noted that discrimination is just another word for choice, and trying to prevent arbitrary discrimination means demanding a justification for every choice, which is definitely totalitarian.

Why does this always happen[edit]

1. Popular, non-abrasive YouTube channel (in this case, CrashCourse) makes a video which happens to touch upon discrimination.

2. Video gets like 20% downvotes instead of the usual 1%.

3. Top comments are things like:

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise" - Voltaire

I've been white all my life, and the only privelige I've had is to be pushed back in line because women and children first.

Also if I were to mention the word that starts with N and stops with R in public I would be imprisoned, but black people can yell "kill all the white people" and "black power" and they will be protrayed as heroes standing up agains oppression by the government and by the progressives.

You lost a subscriber this episode because you've thrown away reason and logic in favour of political correctness and virtue signalling.

4. I Google this interesting Voltaire quote. Turns out, it's misattributedWikipedia.

5. Not only was it not said by Voltaire, it was said by a Nazi pedophile (in All America Must Know the Terror That Is Upon Us, 1993). Theories? Reverend Black Percy (talk) 19:40, 26 January 2017 (UTC)

I find that quote particularly insulting because Voltaire really dug in at difficult, powerful targets back in his day. Being snide at the Pope and Catholic Church and the Monarchy in 1759 in France could easily be a death sentence. It was obvious who controlled the power around him. It's not at all like Nazis taking potshots at minorities behind anonymity, and getting criticism for it. ikanreed You probably didn't deserve that 20:19, 26 January 2017 (UTC)

And now for something completely different[edit]

I'll reiterate what I'm increasingly certain about: violence against nazis is becoming necessary. A free society can't actually handle an ideology whose MO is to lie freely and endlessly with the sole purpose of accumulating power, and deprive of it of their enemies. Tolerance of intolerance cannot last. ikanreed You probably didn't deserve that 20:19, 26 January 2017 (UTC)

Your words seem to sync up very well with the following quote:

Some propositions are so dangerous that it may even be ethical to kill people for believing them. This may seem an extraordinary claim, but it merely enunciates an ordinary fact about the world in which we live. Certain beliefs place their adherents beyond the reach of every peaceful means of persuasion, while inspiring them to commit acts of extraordinary violence against others. There is, in fact, no talking to some people. If they cannot be captured, and they often cannot, otherwise tolerant people may be justified in killing them in self-defense.

Even as a pacifist (read: proud bleeding heart chicken) myself, I fully admit that it's some sort of real conundrum... (For anyone that has no life interested in my views on political violence, I recently gave some of them in a total of three comments viewable here) Reverend Black Percy (talk) 20:27, 26 January 2017 (UTC)