Talk:Edward Dutton

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  • This article and the associated talk page have been subject to long-term spamming by a persistent vandal that impersonates people, claims defamation, and makes bizarre referrals to antifa. Revert the edits if you see them being made.
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BoN Gratitude[edit]

I'd like to thank editor Johns for his great work here. (talk) 10:58, 8 October 2022 (UTC)

Where is the evidence for his year of birth?[edit]

I would just like to know. — Unsigned, by: ReadingisFun / talk / contribs

I found this gem because a crazy wacko spawned on my YouTube talking like he overdose on Addie's and ranting about midwits hahah. So I googled his name and Wikipedia shows only his spanish entry about him (with the usual nasty stuff).
Then I came to what I thought was part of these communities like lesswrong and that kind of fellas. Then I read that it seems that the wacko is the devil incarnate! Jajaja sheesh, how many anti something can someone be under your funny criteria. You are probably more loco than him and need a crash course on argumentation and assessment and categorize sources. Hahaha oh man , I'll go straight to read Jordan Peterson's page and how do you describe the people you like.keep the good work fellas, the world needs to crack a laugh! — Unsigned, by: 2001:AC8:31:73CE:16A:96E7:4861:5 / talk / contribs

QAnon affinity[edit]

The page claims he's a QAnon conspiracy theorist, however if you read the note it says that he doesn't believe in the theory per se, but rather that he's a crank who thinks it's a myth that highlights more "healthy" human behavior. I think the claim that he's a QAnoner should be removed from the page, and that the note should be placed as a regular paragraph somewhere. (talk) 23:57, 2 December 2023 (UTC)

Edward Dutton's right-wing pseudo-academia[edit] (talk) 01:13, 24 January 2024 (UTC)

case file by hnh[edit] (talk) 22:13, 22 March 2024 (UTC)

Is that a new thing they do? Not sure I ever saw HnH case files in that style before. Chillpilled (talk) 00:54, 23 March 2024 (UTC)