Talk:Laura Towler

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Questioning the deletion of "non-British"[edit]

According the second point of Patriotic Alternative's 20 point plan (as seen on their disgustingly polished website ... not linked here), they oppose all immigration except under exceptional circumstances. What exceptional circumstances? They include people who "can prove British ancestry". In short, they are OK with British immigration to the UK and, therefore, can be appropriately described as "opposing non-British immigration". 2601:285:8380:1AC8:D5A5:15FE:2810:8FBA (talk) 20:05, 13 December 2020 (UTC)

Does it really matter? --Goatspeed. How's my editing🎄CircularREmail2.gifasoning🎄See what I've been messing around with 20:14, 13 December 2020 (UTC)
Of course not. Being more accurate is never important. If, however, I wish to change it to increased accuracy, I thought it best to discuss it here first. 2601:285:8380:1AC8:D5A5:15FE:2810:8FBA (talk) 20:31, 13 December 2020 (UTC)

"White nationalism"[edit]

She wants Britain to remain populated by British people. British people happen to be white but not all white people are British. Can that really be called white nationalism, rather than British nationalism? — Unsigned, by: 2600:8807:405A:6400:BDFA:3BE4:22E3:8D13 / talk

And yet her husband isn't British, but Irish. Meliá isn't a British surname. Towler also attends far-right nationalist conferences across Europe. I don't see PA as ethno nationalist but pan-European/white nationalists. Mark Collett and PA has never expressed opposition to eastern European/Polish immigration into UK - for him and PA only appears to be about skin colour. (talk) 13:27, 14 July 2021 (UTC)
"British people" has zero anthropological value. It's a bullshit euphemism. ☭Comrade GC☭Ministry of Praise 13:33, 14 July 2021 (UTC)