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This Music related article has been assessed as SIGNIFICANTLY PROBLEMATIC in one or more ways. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.

This article requires attention for the following reason(s):

It contains unsourced statements Tagged since April 2022

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Should the first letters of the subgenre names be capitalized or not? In this article, both ways are used frequently.

Requesting thread archival (why?) Plutocow (talk)

So what do we do with Fun:Why punk had to happen?[edit]

Civic Cat (talk) 14:23, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

It looks like most of the content in that page is in the article.Civic Cat (talk) 19:16, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

Requesting thread archival (why?) Bongolian (talk)

A few points (June 2011)[edit]

  1. Clothing and fashion: Wasn't the clothing partially based on Malcolm McLaren’s "Sex" boutique when he created that all-boy band of his? Would the first the media showed a (modern) Mohawk be in Taxi Driver?
  2. Music: Weren't The Stooges and NY Dolls proto-punk; and the main three punk bands the Clash, Pistols, and Ramones?
  3. Selling out: Didn't people accuse The Clash of selling out in 1977 when the signed on CBS? Didn't the Pistols answer Bill Grundy, "The more the merrier?" When asked if success would spoil then-post-punk U2, Bozo said "I certainly hope so"?
  4. Wasn't "punk" the name of a magazine created by a "Legs McNeil" who was into the CBGBs scene in the early 70's? Wasn't Johnny Rotten uncomfortable with the term "punk?"
  5. Wasn't Rotten attacked by monarchists over "God saved the Queen?" Was he back-tracking on the intent of the song a few years back?
  6. What of "post-punk-before-there-was-punk" Pare Ubu, or perhaps Suicide ("Johnny Teardrop")?
  7. What of Husker Du's, Sonic Youth, and "noise rock," or the "no wave" movement that the Swans might have been part of?
  8. Where would The Sonics" fit in this?
  9. Would "steam core" be like those things where you turn a typewriter into a computer keyboard or this: The Bit-52's The World's Greatest Robot Parts Band playing The B-52's - Rock Lobster?  :-D  Civic Cat (talk) 19:16, 17 June 2011 (UTC)
Honestly, there are a lot of problems with the article:
  • Bands like the Ramones, The Clash and Sex Pistols are actually considered to be commercial by many punks and crusties, and there's still a strong underground scene. If anything, it only got bigger and stronger in the 80s and early 90s, and it's more or less the case even today. If it doesn't seem like it, it's because the internet makes it extremely easy to discover bands, when you'd have to rely on tape trading back in the day. Even then, most people are still more likely to know about 70s punk band than any of the more recent non-commercial bands in the punk scene. Yet that section of the article reads like 70s punk is considered to be the only "true" form of punk (not to mention that the whole "Punks not Dead" thing is a reference to an Exploited album from the 80s), despite the fact that later on in the article hardcore punk is treated as genuine punk (which is true).
  • The choices for the notable hardcore punk genres aren't the best. Things like crust, emocore, etc., are more important to the genre. Not to mention that crust punks tend to be extremely left-wing which is probably relevant to this site. I honestly don't know what cyberpunk and steampunk even have to do with hardcore.
  • Street punk existed before bands like The Casualties, and evolved alongside hardcore. So saying that it's "modern" hardcore mixed with Oi! is factually incorrect.
  • The "anarcho-punk" scene, which emerged between the original punk movement and the hardcore punk movement, is completely ignored.
  • Lumping Dead Kennedys into the list of original 70s punk bands is pointless, since they hadn't released anything until 1980.
  • Not all thrash is "commercial". Bands like Metallica and Megadeth, sure, but there were a ton of bands that were just as "underground" as any punk band.

It's too much to fix all at once, but I might make a few changes in the future. Woodgod (talk) 21:16, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

Album lists[edit]

Why is the bottom part of this article a couple of miscellaneous lists of albums which aren't actually punk? If we're going to list albums, wouldn't it make more sense to list the most relevant ones (i.e. influential punk albums)? On the other hand, why bother? Listcruft doesn't really improve the article or serve any purpose here. WēāŝēīōīďWeaselly.jpgMethinks it is a Weasel 23:38, 6 April 2013 (UTC)


Um...why is there a link to a site on transhumanism in this punk music/culture article? Is there some connection I am missing? CogitoNotStirred (via telepathy) (talk) 00:05, 16 July 2019 (UTC)

The subgenre of Oi![edit]

Despite the previous neo nazi aspects in the music genre, i've noticed there are a lot more Oi! bands associated with antifacism and stuff like that. should it be noted that oi! could be possibly taken back to anti-racist stuff.

some of the bands im talking about

Los Fastidios
The oppressed

And also two record companies also associated with oi and anti racism

Mad Butcher recors
KOB records

--orangutangs aren't real, piano companies invented them to sell more pianos (talk) 04:43, 17 November 2022 (UTC)