I'm no good at starting Wiki pages, so sorry if this is cluttered, but this is a gold mine of a website; the man makes absolutely hilarious quotes and, unlike Blogs 4 Brownback or Objective Ministries, is not a parody.BassoonsAreSexy 00:03, 29 May 2008 (EDT)
- This should be linked to and from RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?. ħuman
19:47, 5 June 2008 (EDT)
I loved this gem: "Kind of like Einy, who liked to talk about music when mathematicians visited and mathematics when musicians visited." What a neat trick to remember! ħuman
19:50, 5 June 2008 (EDT)
"What do you have left when your geniuses withdraw from Western civilization?
"You've got six Somalians sitting in a burned out car hulk in the desert making motor sounds with their lips and pretending to drive.
"You ain't got nothing."
http://vault-co.blogspot.com/2007/08/tending-their-own-private-gardens.html 22:14, 10 September 2008 (EDT)
I request a side-by-side commentary on Vault-Co's blog posts (or at least some of them) like the one done here:
http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/Expelled:Leader%27s_Guide 08:48, 10 September 2008 (EDT)
- Why don't you at least suggest a good one to work on? I can't look at that yellow background long enough to read more than two short ones. ħuman
17:38, 10 September 2008 (EDT)
- Sure. Because the focus of this Wiki seems to be science, how about one that is already linked to from here: http://vault-co.blogspot.com/2007/12/more-money-spinning-gibberish-from.html 19:58, 10 September 2008 (EDT)
The title of this blog, as well as the logo used, are an obvious reference to the Fallout series of games. this should be noted in the article. In fact, I think it's a major sign this is a poe. -Killbot
I've read more of it. no way this guy is for real. he seriously talks about the coming zombie apocalypse. -Killbot
If he's not for real then he's been in character for a very long time
He was also reputedly an employee of Sir-Tech and appears as a cameo (one of the mine owners) in Jagged Alliance 2 - (talk) 16:57, 27 January 2012 (UTC)
Hunter S. Thompson meets The A-Team[edit]
This guy passed more brain cells in his last bowel movement than all the writers of this wiki put together. The article is ad hominem and mostly consists of bitter nerds handwringing over the fact they are still paying off their college loans and living at home and cannot put two sentences together as well as this dude. He's like Hunter S. Thompson meets The A-Team.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
- Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blaaaaaah. EVDebs (talk) 15:15, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
- Is that the man himself? You are both from Oz right? CrundyTalk nerdy to me 15:51, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
- I'm more from Lala Land myself... oh, you meant Australia. Nope, I'm American. As for whether that's whatsisname, not a clue, wouldn't be suprised. EVDebs (talk) 20:55, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
- I should point out two things. The first is that the OP is implying that Blakemore's head is wedged up his ass, which really doesn't need verification but is hilarious coming from a supporter/sock. Pick your words more carefully, dude. Second, said S/S is assuming that Blakemore is even all that important in the grand scheme of things that we would feel threatened by his *ahem* intelligence. Seriously, what's one more survivalist scientifically illiterate conspiracy nutter with a barely-disguised case of Nice Guy syndrome and a software package that serves a niche market within a niche market? EVDebs (talk) 02:38, 27 April 2012 (UTC)
- "He's like Hunter S. Thompson meets The A-Team." So hes a liar and can't shoot worth a damn? --Revolverman (talk) 02:46, 27 April 2012 (UTC)
This Wikipedia is clearly staffed by spiritual descendants of the dude that runs the comic book store in the Simpsons. Envy is one of the strongest of all human emotions and it is displayed in abundance here. This fellow Cleve doesn't just write better than any of the regulars here, he also thinks better on almost any subject you could enumerate. Sneering will only get you so far, fellows. Sooner or later somebody will ask you to elaborate and discover you basically adhere to any idea that is presented on television. That's not a rationalist. It's insane.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
- Please learn the difference between Wikipedia and a wiki. If you have any specific points to raise about improving or correcting this article, do it, otherwise don't expect a reaction.
- And in case you are Cleve Blakemore: man, this is just pathetic.--ZooGuard (talk) 17:05, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
I've been reading the site for the past ten years. Sorry guys but I think you have shown your true colors and it is green with envy. Tex is a true genius in a world of pretenders and anybody who dismisses him as a mere crank has no appreciation for good writing or good thinking. Here's a tip dumbasses - the man simultaneously writes parody, satire and self-parody side-by-side with some of the most original and insightful ideas you will find on this sad planet. I would find the internet quite boring without VaultCo and credit it for my net addiction. Reading VC has made me more curious about nearly everything including subjects I didn't know existed.— Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
- "If you have any specific points to raise about improving or correcting this article, do it" ~ Kupochama[1][2] 15:08, 7 May 2012 (UTC)
- SmallNameBigEgo much? Cleve Blakemore's at best a fourth-tier kook, and by "fourth tier" I mean "the chances of anyone outside RW even knowing who he is are infinitesimal; he'd barely rate an entry at CTSTDT". Nobody here envies Blakemore because he lives in a world that only other crazy people and the people who laugh at them ever visit. Let me put this into proper perspective: Blakemore's flagship product is designed for a device that would be rendered unable to function by EMP under the only circumstances anyone would ever expect to use it. (This, by the way, is why Blakemore has no competition whatsoever in his market space -- the only other people who have given this problem any thought at all probably felt it wiser to do all this planning on paper, and not rely on being able to access the three heavily-guarded radiation-hardened mainframes within five hundred miles that weren't obliterated in the attack.) You don't envy people like that. You just smile and nod and make fun of them behind their backs. EVDebs (talk) 05:43, 8 May 2012 (UTC)
- Also, it seems Cleve lives in Australia. Your IP address is in Australia. Hm. EVDebs (talk) 05:54, 8 May 2012 (UTC)
I was reading Tex when he started on AusSurvivalist. He made more sense then than anybody else on the forum. I was one of the people who encouraged him to found his own site in the beginning. Seems to me this site is more about singling out people for the crime of being different, not for being irrational. Nothing would please me more than to discover a blog as wonderful as VC so please if you winners will just link me through to your own thought-provoking blog I would love it. Append URL after this text. Oh and Rationalwiki sucks, you read one article you've read them all. A bunch of uni student yanks who can't get jobs in this economy and no wonder because all you do is rehash the garbage they taught you at uni. Please link me through to that blog I've got Favorites open in my folder waiting for it. I see you have been watching episodes of CSI EVDebs and you think you know what EMP is. EMP does not burn out electronic devices not connected to landlines. But of course with all that free time on your hands Im sure you know that.
- "If you have any specific points to raise about improving or correcting this article, do it" ~ Kupochama[1][2] 06:57, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
- I think you misunderstand me, Cleve. I'm not trying to convince you you're wrong. I'm trying to convince you you're a doofus and that we have no reason to take you seriously. EVDebs (talk) 17:18, 11 May 2012 (UTC)
You are a critic ... but nothing else. Having nothing of your own to contribute but the same tired memes we hear repeated in the mass media about the opinions we are permitted to have. You are not a student of understanding but a gatekeeper seeking to ridicule anybody in opposition. There is no different between you and any other official party censor except that you have a terrifically overinflated vanity. You do critique of those who challenge the status quo. This is the opposite of rational thought. Throughout human history, the majority have always been wrong on every subject. You stop just short of having nothing of your own to say on anything. You notice how you constantly appeal to ad hominem to determine if we should listen to another person or not. That is the opposite of rational. Your "reasoning" is based on a person's reputation, their membership in certain institutions, how widely they are read by others and where. None of this has anything to do with rational. Your somewhat shrill and desperate assertion that "this is somebody we should ignore" does not constitute the debunking of the ideas on Vault-Co. Maybe, ultimately it is all you have to offer. Still waiting for that link through to your own blog and I mean something interesting. If you could write as well as Cleve you'd have a blog to prove it.
- Does anyone actually read this though? I mean isn't this sort of a tree falling in the forest make a sound kinda question? If no one reads what you write was it well written? Tmtoulouse (talk) 21:11, 28 May 2012 (UTC)
- Cleve, you are a sad, sad little man. Could you at least glue some eyes to your sock puppet? EVDebs (talk) 23:45, 28 May 2012 (UTC)
- He is sort of known on a few gaming sites (he used to work for Sir-Tech as mentioned by someone else above, and has a "cameo" in Jagged Alliace 2 that's mostly a "take that" at him). He tends to not be very popular wherever he posts. Woodgod (talk) 18:19, 25 February 2013 (UTC)
- He's obviously got a massively overblown image of his own importance. EVDebs (talk) 23:41, 25 February 2013 (UTC)
While I'm still not clear whether Vault-Co is a parody, pastiche, or some mix, it's incontrovertibly influenced by Fallout. And the article should reflect that. For those that don't know, Fallout is a RPG video game set in an alternative timeline future, after a global nuclear war. In the game universe, Vault-Tec is a company that markets advanced, high tech fallout shelters. The computers in them run an OS that I'm sure his OS (is that much real?) is meant to resemble (he even says so). Part of the game story includes a vast conspiracy that the Vaults, which were marketed and sold as legit saviours of humanity, were actually a series of science experiments by a shadow government, most of them doomed to fail.
Here's where it gets convoluted: is this blog a parody/tribute meant to resemble the thinking that would create the circumstances for the alternate future the game takes place in? Or is this the blog of a mentally ill person enamored with a game, but not equipped to discern reality from a video game?
Being that Vault-Co is an obscure blog that doesn't have a unique domain name, and may actually be parody--does this even merit an article? Does this wiki have an equivalent of WP:NOTABILITY? Micahmedia (talk) 09:58, 15 November 2013 (UTC)
- If you haven't noticed, the Fallout reference is mentioned in a footnote. I don't believe it deserves more attention. As I see it, Blakemore is a survivalist crank who likes the games due to their survivalism theme. The references are pretty much limited to the names and the avatar. And he's not a singular occurrence, the "survivalist-with-a-doomsday-bunker-in-his-back-yard" is a type in itself.
- Oh, and please don't try to diagnose people over the Internet. Some perfectly "normal" people believe in weird things, and most mentally ill people are not Internet crackpots.--ZooGuard (talk) 13:24, 15 November 2013 (UTC)
rational wiki[edit]
if the opinions of someone on the interwebs make you immensely butthurt, the rational thing to do is of course to make a wiki page about how butthurt said person makes you
- I know you are but what am I?
- 'A computer gone sentient?'
- 'A person typing at a computer/device.'
- A cat.
Paper is better - does not need electricity to maintain, and, once created, 'hacking' tends to be much more obvious than with a computer. (talk) 22:03, 13 June 2015 (UTC)
The blog's author just released a video game[edit]
Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar. And it's kinda becoming a meme. There's the possibility of a surge in traffic to this article-- (talk) 10:31, 5 August 2017 (UTC)
- The game's fans seem to mostly be alt-right-- (talk) 10:51, 5 August 2017 (UTC)