Ken Wheeler

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Kenneth Lee Wheeler[1] is a photography enthusiast and Pali and Greek translator who runs a YouTube channel titled "Theoria Apophasis" [2] with 276K followers as of 2022.[3] Despite having peddled a nonsense pseudoscientific theory for years and having a large following on YouTube, he has mostly flown under the radar and has rarely been debated or featured in debates.

While Wheeler's theories attract flat earthers and electric universe believers alike, Wheeler is outspoken against being classified as either, and has firm beliefs against the flat earth. Wheeler specializes in technobabble and word salad and fails to define his words and new terms in a clear way, which allows him to seem authoritative to people who watch his channel while allowing him to resist proper debate since he can confuse any potential debater with a whole salad of his nonsense vocabulary.


Wheeler's theory centers primarily on the aether, as in the luminiferous aether. Wheeler believes that the aether exists in so-called "counterspace", a term that he has often been made fun of for using.[4] Counterspace is not space as we know it because Wheeler argues space is generated by magnetic fields. In his theory, all motion is due to pressure differences in the aether, and different objects interact with the aether in different ways. Magnets can change the aether more strongly than other matter.[5] An example he often cites is that magnets are not attracting each other, but instead manipulate the aether to create a so-called "null point in counterspace" between them, and this point draws both magnets towards it.[6] Gravity is also explained as being a part of magnetism like in electric universe theories, and Wheeler rejects Einstein's theories. [7]

While claiming there are no dualities in physics, Wheeler's whole physics model consists of dualities: counterspace and space, magnetism and dielectricity, the magnetic field and the dielectric field, toroids and hyperboloids, north and south poles, centripetal and centrifugal, inertia and force, acceleration and motion, charge and discharge, and convergent and divergent. Of course, most of these concepts are not used in the scientific sense but in a sense defined by Wheeler for his theory. For instance, he believes that force and acceleration are opposite concepts rather than being directly related as we know from Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion, F = ma (i.e., force = mass times acceleration).[8]
