Just so you know

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Just so you know

Your user page reminds me a lot of mine at WP. Only I got a dozen or so different quotes from as many different editors. No referencing the same individuals multiple times for me. Though it was Wikipedia, with a few thousand times as many editors as here, so I guess the comparison isn't very fair.

Very well. As you were.

DickTurpis (talk)04:03, 2 July 2012

Keep up the good work!

Scarlet A.pngpostate07:43, 2 July 2012

You have a Wikipedia page? Odd, I thought I'd seen every RWian on Wikipedia.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.18:51, 2 July 2012

I have a Wikipedia user page, not an article, of that's what you mean. Yeah, I've been an editor there since 2004. Different handle though.

DickTurpis (talk)19:43, 2 July 2012

A Wikipedian since 2004, and with a collection of hateful comments? I smell an ArbCom member :-)

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.20:24, 2 July 2012

Never ran. Knew I didn't have a prayer. Didn't need all that bureaucratic BS anyway. Anyone harboring illusions that RW is a rules-oriented nitpicky site need to spend some time over at Wikipedia and deal with the pissants there.

DickTurpis (talk)04:29, 3 July 2012

There was a comment in the Saloon Bar citing the recent FreeThoughtBlogs controversy as a warning for RationalWiki. If we ever get to the point where a member of standing threatens another, rather than just engaging in a shouting match, then we might need some serious rules.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX05:14, 3 July 2012

Didn't UncleHo threaten you? Or did you see that as impotent posturing?

User:Brxbrx/sig05:42, 3 July 2012

UncleHo was a troll who only with difficulty held on to sysop rights, rather than an integral part of the community. What happened at FreeThoughtBlogs was more like if, for example, Psygremlin or Nx threatened to beat up Human.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX05:52, 3 July 2012

Ah. Well, for all we know, it's already happened, but via email or other private channels. That's what happened at FTB. That one guy emailed that other guy and the other guy posted the email after sharing it with the big heads over there and they decided to ban that one guy as well as Thunderf00t, because they were behaving like asshats (to say the least). There has already been some heated email exchanges here, like that thing between Blue and Human. Most relevant to me, I once sent an angry email to Armondikov which really put him off me, and I'm still feeling the hate from that one. Who knows what's going on behind the scenes!

User:Brxbrx/sig05:57, 3 July 2012

If there had been a threat, I suspect we would have heard about it by now — publicizing a threat is not only the best way to neuter it, but would be an excellent way to win a squabble with another editor.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX06:09, 3 July 2012

That's a different sort of thing. At WP I was once reprimanded for making a grammar fix to an article I technically wasn't supposed to be editing because of an entirely unrelated controversy. Some dickheads actually demanded that I reinsert blatant errors into the article. People like that deserve to be kicked in the balls repeatedly.

DickTurpis (talk)15:29, 3 July 2012