Since you're the nearest crat

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Since you're the nearest crat

Could you zap the user rights of my old account? This was suggested in the Bar, and I approve. I'm not going to be using it. Me, The First (talk) 03:42, 30 January 2011 (UTC)

Me, The First (talk)03:42, 30 January 2011

This new comment system is frightening to me. Me, The First (talk) 03:46, 30 January 2011 (UTC)

Me, The First (talk)03:46, 30 January 2011

Turns out I was nearer. They'll be restored if you ask.

Aboriginal Noise Punkrock03:49, 30 January 2011

Not to criticize, Mei, but why couldn't you do it yourself...?

Blue (is useful)03:50, 30 January 2011

I changed the password for Mei II to a random string ages ago. It's the only way to LANCB properly. @AB - thanks! I don't remember becoming a ninja, but that does explain why I fight people with ninja arts. Me, The First (talk) 03:53, 30 January 2011 (UTC)

Me, The First (talk)03:53, 30 January 2011

As the red writing suggests angrily informs you, it is not necessary to sign your comments on LiquidThreads pages.

Wow, can't believe I didn't think of that when I was trying to LANCB. It would have been super-effective.

Blue (is useful)03:56, 30 January 2011

I've done it twice now, so it's obviously not a perfect solution. It's gonna take me a while to get used to not signing. This feels so WRONG.

Me, The First (talk)04:09, 30 January 2011