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just a normal guy
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, Flag.svg This user supports the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.
Redrose.svg This user is a socialist.
This user thinks arms should be "well regulated" per the Second Amendment
racism This user is biased against racists.
Flag of Ireland.svg
This user is a Paddy.
Evolution walker.svg This user thinks evolution explains the origin of species.
Happyman.svg This user is a humanist

Equals-sign-blue.gif This user believes that everyone is equal, regardless of race, religion or gender.
EU flag-b.jpg
This user is proud to be European!
All your base are belong to this user.
This user is Spartacus!
Statue-Augustus.jpg This user is a lover of History

This user believes that capitalism is a deadly virus set to wipe out humanity.

I'm just a normal demsoc on Rational Wiki. I support market socialism. I'm a skeptic. I believe that guns should be regulated. I do some cleaning up around the site. I joined pretty late and want to be a contribution, according to my ability.

My basic politics and view on the world[edit]

I believe that socialism should be brought about by democratic vote if possible.I now adhere to a hybrid system of worker-democratic firms and coupon socialism, as espoused by Exploitation as Domination.

I'm socially progressive, believing that everyone should have an equal chance of opportunity, regardless of who they are ( unless they are convicted of serious crimes like murder or financial fraud ). I believe healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and that women should have the option of taking birth control and abortion. I believe trans people should have the option of surgery and that LGBT people should be allowed marry who they want as long as it's over 16. We should put in serious reforms of out policing system, including community councils regulating local police and elections of police higher ups by officers and the community.

I've become more anarchist as I've gotten older, believing that a confederation of municipalities can do just as good of a job as a state, even better, such as in Rojava right now, EZLN in Chiapas and CNT in Catalonia, but a state can still do a good job provided its regulated. I've also gotten more revolutionary, using Dual Power to build up a base of support and start conversion of capitalist firms to democratic ones.

On foreign policy, Russia should preferably pull out of Ukraine and Belarus, North and South Korea should be reunified with political parties independent of the old ones,the UN should at least be given more powers with an exchange for the Big Three's veto and a support for a second Brexit referendum with the UK government. I have a neutral on Northern Ireland. On one hand, it's a part of the island of Ireland. On the other, a majority of people are Unionist.

Time has changed my opinions. While a democratically organised military would protect the independence of soldiers, issues with many militias and what sort of power they hold over people would be problematic.

My view on the political parties of my country are as follows: Fine Gael: Depends on who it is. A Neo-Thatcherite or a social conservative is unacceptable but a Costellan is fine ( the social democratic wing of Fine Gael ). Fianna Fail: Unacceptable. Implemented the Progressive Democrats policies and are generally held to be responsible for the economics situation of 2008-2013 . Several high ranking members, from Charles Haughey to Pádraig Flynn, were corrupt. Sinn Fein: Nice on democratic socialism but the IRA links puts me off. Labour: Wish they were bigger! The party of James Connolly should radicalise and spread. The Healy Raes: Independents in Kerry. I've created an article on the Healy Rae's.

Personal Info[edit]

I read books, history books, novels etc. I've been reading philosophy as well. I also have DCD

Pages I'm working on/worked on[edit]

Socialism ( edited new sections ( eg. Market Socialism ) and fixed mistakes on )

Danny Healy Rae ( formerly in draft stage, now a proper article thanks to others such as User:evilatheistheathen and User:CircularReasoning )