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|F|A|B|L|E| |I|I
My anti-drug)

Gentlemen! I will deteriorate your precious echinoid, enabling me to destroy evolutionism on the internet. You should all be reiterating over Operation chisel, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentleman CircularReasoning!

It appears to me that your lack of faith are unsurpassedly foolish. In regards to the matter of Darwin and foolishness, you fail to realize that If you could face this unpleasant reality in your article on your website about yourselves, I will be impressed. However, I do not expect to be impressed lest I allow you to disappoint me. In fact, by the time I've finished in regards to this Operation, it is likely Atheism will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Eggplant Beaters is gathering steam!!! Will a second battery of comedy and satire be directed towards the S.S. Penn Jillette? Perhaps, in about 150 days or sooner? Sincerely,


Thanks to the fool who made me a sysop! BWAHAHAHA! Bold text