Why I'm here[edit]
I am here to learn and to help make this wiki goals. I found this wiki trying to find a way to contact the admins of Conservapedia after I was banned for bringing up logical point that counter their claims (I MAY have also mentioned something about their wiki's logic making me feel humanity is doomed. Maybe.)
My plan[edit]
I shall start helping this wiki meet it's goal by participating in debates and learning from them. When I have learned enough, I shall add information to the wiki if needed. I am new at editing and stuff, so if I screw something up, please tell me what I did wrong so I don't do it the next time.
About me[edit]
Sometimes, what I say may not make sense. I have trouble getting my thoughts into words. Side effect of a form of PDD I have. I'm great with numbers, and follow logic well. But words and socializing are a weakness of mine. I also am interested in Cryptozoology. Not in the "hunt down Bigfoot" way, but more in the "I find the thought of discovering new species to be exciting" way.