One Million Moms

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Devil's in the details

Seventeen Angry Dipsticks[1] One Dozen Shrews Moms With Nothing Better To Do One Million Moms is a small advocacy group for social conservatism, created by—and a front group for—the American Family Association.[2].

Its mission is to oppose the "immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity" of modern media,[3] generally by attempting to stir public outcry. Specifically, they have opposed television shows such as Glee, The Playboy Club, Skins, and GCB (originally Good Christian Bitches) - citing these shows' normalization of homosexuality or a perceived anti-Christian bias[4] - and have advocated on behalf of numerous other causes, such as opposing the addition of openly gay characters to Marvel and DC comic books.

One Million Moms are perhaps most notable for their failed attempt to start a mass boycott of retail chain J.C. PenneyWikipedia after that company chose Ellen DeGeneresWikipedia, who is openly gay, as a spokesperson.[5] J.C. Penney's stock price and sales volumes plummeted under a recent CEO, highlighting how the failed boycott had less to do with the company's strength and more to do with the hilarious inefficacy of One Million Moms.[6]

A year later, they were at it again with a protest against Kmart'sWikipedia "Jingle Bells" ad.[7] Then, later on, they went on to protest against Campbell'sWikipedia for a commercial they produced (allegedly) celebrating an "unnatural marriage" between "Star Wars" and "Campbell's Soup" product placements in the same storyline.[8]

Even if they were one million strong, they would still be no more than 1 to 2% of all mothers in the United States.[9] .

In 2019, they targeted The Hallmark ChannelWikipedia for showing a commercial about lesbian marriage, (presumably) objecting to the "butch" officiant and off-white [as if~!] garb of both bride, not to mention the unremitting boring nature of the advert (everything on the channel). Also, OMM attacked the ad as sinful.[10] Was it perhaps too boring?

In 2020, OMM attacked Burger KingWikipedia for saying, "Damn that's good." in a commercial for the meatless Impossible Burger.[11] He that believeth in meat and is baptized in lard shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned (Mock 16:16, hat tip to Mark 16:16).

Also in 2020, OMM attacked SabraWikipedia for producing a commercial featuring a couple of drag queens that were notably on RuPaul's Drag Race,Wikipedia and tried to get the ad pulled from being shown during the Super Bowl.Wikipedia [12]

In early 2020, 1MM attempted to boycott the Disney ChannelWikipedia animated series The Owl HouseWikipedia for its neutral depiction of witchcraft and inclusion of LGBTQ+ main characters. [13][14]

In late 2020, 1MM's latest target was OreoWikipedia cookies. The offense? Merely making a promotion campaign that says it's awesome for a parent to be proud and supportive of their LGBTQ+ children. [15][16]


A comparison of the number of followers of One Million Moms, compared to their targets, based on a survey of Facebook community followers taken on February 3, 2020:

  • One Million Moms: 95,406 [17]
  • Sabra: 539,401 [18]
  • Campbell's: 523,623 [19], plus 1,331,270 for Campbell's Kitchen. [20]
  • KMart: 2,096,579 [21]
  • RuPaul's Drag Race: 2,314,236 [22]
  • Hallmark Channel: 2,715,754 [23]
  • J.C. Penny: 5,514,720 [24]
  • Burger King: 8,158,889 [25]
  • Ellen DeGeneres: 34,726,464 [26]
  • Target: 22,930,651 [27] ("Targeted" so to speak, for protests and boycotts by OMM's "parent" organization [pun unintended] for "transitioning" their policy [as it were] on transgender persons use of changing rooms.

In fact, a Facebook community created during the Ellen DeGeneres / JC Penny controversy called "1 Million people who support Ellen for JC Penney"[28] has 259,734 followers, roughly 2 and a half times as many followers as OMM's Facebook community.


  1. Pinkham, C.A., "Olive Garden better watch out, because this dude has NOTIFIED MANY PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK", Wonkette (1/29/16, 4:45pm).
  2. One Million Moms website
  3. "About",
  4. "Successes",
  5. "Anti-Gay Group's J.C. Penney boycott fizzles", L.A. Times
  6. "One Million Moms 'Moving on' From JC Penney-Ellen DeGeneres Protest"
  7. "Kmart's 'Jingle Bells' ad goes viral, sparks One Million Moms protest", L.A. Times
  8. "New Campbell's Ad Angers A 'Million' Moms", Youtube
  9. 'Facts for Features: Mother's Day: May 13, 2012',
  10. The first gay Hallmark movie will be so boring. That’s great news. by Drew Goins (Dec. 16, 2019 at 4:08 p.m. PST) The Washington Post.
  11. A conservative moms group has a beef with Burger King – and the ‘d-word’ by Rachel Siegel (Jan. 13, 2020 at 7:01 a.m. PST) The Washington Post.
  12. "Conservative group demands ban on drag queen Super Bowl ad; One Million Moms has launched a new petition to pull the commercial from airing during the Super Bowl." by Alexandra Kelley,, 2020 31 January
  13. "Christian Group One Million Moms Demands Disney Cancel 'Demonic' Show 'The Owl House'" by Andrew Roberts,, 2020 February 15
  14. "Conservative Christians Warn of “Dangerous” Disney Cartoon with Bisexual Lead" by Beth Stoneburner, Friendly Atheist, 2020 August 21
  15. "The latest sheer idiocy from conservative homophobes: Boycotting Oreos" by Colbert I. King, Washington Post, 2020 October 23
  16. OREO Proud Parent advertisment, Youtube, 2020 October 9
  17. One Million Moms Facebook community
  18. Sabra Facebook community
  19. Campbell's soup Facebook community
  20. Campbell's Kitchen Facebook community
  21. KMart Facebook community
  22. RuPaul's Drag Race Facebook community
  23. Hallmark Channel Facebook community
  24. JC Penny Facebook community
  25. Burger King Facebook community
  26. Ellen DeGeneres Facebook community
  27. Target's Facebook Followers
  28. "1 Million people who support Ellen for JC Penney",