Essay talk:Heterosexuality is a sin against logic

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Censorship of this page by Mikalos[edit]

Are you heterosexual? Heterosexuals always try to oppress the truth about their filthy lifestyle. Heterophobia (talk) 06:31, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

I'm Bisexual so... your actually being oppressed by an even worse sin; the indecisive. --il'Dictator Mikal 06:33, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Heterosexuality is a lie perpetrated by the patriarchy. Haven't you read your Dworkin? Blue (pester) 06:35, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Bisexuals aren't all that bad. At least they aren't heterosexuals. Heterophobia (talk) 06:36, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Ahhh fuck, not fucking Dworkin. Jesus I had to read her turgid swill in university. Godawful. AceModerator 06:38, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Who?--il'Dictator Mikal 06:38, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
This fucking horrible ham-beast. AceModerator 06:40, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
"Turgid swill" is too kind, though a fantastic pair of words. Blue (pester) 06:41, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Reading her works was goddamned aggravating. Horrible bilge. AceModerator 06:44, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
What kind of classes made you read her works O.oil'Dictator Mikal 06:44, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
MBA Politics. Can't quite remember but I think it was something to do with egalitarianism? But I am probably wrong....possibly it was my ill fated attempt at getting a minor in Sociology. Either way, it was horrible and I watched much pornography just to spite her. AceModerator 06:48, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Women's Studies classes, to start. In 1983, one of our local pinkos at the University of Minnesota got her to come teach a "class" that was actually a miniature political rally, which she used to drum up support for a local ordinance to ban smut. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 06:47, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

Delete war[edit]

So... what are the merits to keeping this?--il'Dictator Mikal 06:36, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

The Main Page says "We welcome contributors, and encourage those who disagree with us to register and engage in constructive dialogue." But obviously those who reject heterosexuality are unwelcome! All this "tolerant" talk of dialogue, but it comes to heterosexuality, you delete anyone who dares to challenge it - the work of heterosexuals and heterosexual-enablers. Heterophobia (talk) 06:42, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I would say it works as a riff on common homophobic arguments. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 06:48, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
It would, but it's not being presented as such by the creator.--il'Dictator Mikal 06:51, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
One would think that, with our experience of Conservapedia, we could all tell a parodist apart from a bona-fide whacko. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 06:53, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Now I can't decide whether you are being satirical Mikalos; no-oe could believe this was for real?Tielec01 (talk) 06:54, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I didn't for a moment think this was genuine, which was why i put it in the same category as that username person who keeps popping up, and why I consider it insta-delete. --il'Dictator Mikal 06:55, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Why can't it be genuine? Is it impossible for you to believe that there might be people who dislike and disapprove of heterosexuality and think it immoral? There are certainly people who think that way with respect to homosexuality, so why can't there be people who think that way with respect to heterosexuality instead? Heterophobia (talk) 07:16, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I, for one, would love it if heterosexuality were immoral. It would make banging my wife oh so...immoral. AceModerator 07:18, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
(EC) Oh, there are people who disapprove of heterosexuality — mostly pinko feminists who regard it as "sleeping with the enemy," literally. You, on the other hand, seem to have constructed your essay by taking common arguments against homosexuality, swapping a few labels around, and whacking it together with some pseudo-philosophical gibbering. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 07:27, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
You can dislike or disagree with my position or the arguments I make for it; but do you advocate my opinion being silenced, as Mikalos does? Heterophobia (talk) 07:49, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

Transparent parody, but it's harmless, I'd just let it live. I think it is a good attempt to poke fun at how stupid homophobia is. (((Zack Martin))) 07:59, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

This is no parody I am serious. You belittle my position by calling it "parody" or "fun" or "harmless". Are you a heterosexual? Heterophobia (talk) 08:01, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
My sexual orientation is none of your business, stranger. (((Zack Martin))) 08:04, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I'd prefer it be a parody that was a bit more well done; and not in essay space. il'Dictator Mikal 08:02, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
You'd prefer that essay space be a sphere of heterosexualist hegemony. Heterophobia (talk) 08:06, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Why not in essay space? Obviously it fits the label. Wehpudicabok (talk) 08:08, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
There is no law against parody in essayspace. Peter with added ‼Science‼ 08:13, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I'm against Crappy parody in essay space. il'Dictator Mikal 08:15, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
There's probably worse to be found. Peter Blessed are the cheesmakers 08:21, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
It's far to late for me to comb the essay spaceil'Dictator Mikal 08:22, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

Why this irritates me[edit]

First off I thought that, as a general rule, we don't delete essays.

But secondly, and this is something I have seen before, we follow this pattern.

  • Peron A, who may or may not be a parodist/troll or whatever, posts an essay.
  • Person B decides that the world will end or puppies will die if the essay is allowed to exist and unilaterally decides to delete it.
  • If person A is a parodist/troll then this is a great chance to complain a length about censorship. It certainly gives their opinions a lot more airtime than they would have had if the essay had been ignored. If person A is not a parodist/troll they will complain at length about censorship to the same effect.

But anybody who wants to look at the damn thing in order to form an opinion can't because it's already been deleted. (OK, one can certainly go through undelete to look at it but that's not the most convenient way of doing things.)

Why not just leave essays with the template saying that they don't reflect our views? Life would be a lot easier and I assure you that no puppies would die.--Bob"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence." 09:23, 2 June 2012 (UTC)

Shorter Bob - "Who fucking cares?" Agree. AceModerator 09:29, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
I've restored it & put the drive-by template on it, as per RW tradition. Essays shouldn't be deleted except in cases of actual hate speech. WeaseloidWeaselly.jpgMethinks it is a Weasel 09:47, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
As I recall, we had a discussion about this back when JimJast was overusing essay space, and agreed that we could delete essays if a user was treating essay space as free hosting, like JimJast was. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 22:19, 2 June 2012 (UTC)