Talk:Black genocide

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Black Replacement[edit]

Before I add this, I want to ask for comments first...

"In a mirror image of Great Replacement, there are a few Black people who believe that the US's immigration policy has been about targeting themselves. In the case of Los Angeles, Latino gangs did ethnically cleanse entire neighborhoods of Black people, mostly due to wanting to control the drug trade and having a scorched-Earth policy on the possibility of competition. reference: Latino Gang Members in Southern California are Terrorizing and Killing Blacks, Southern Poverty Law Center, Jan 2007"

Basically, I've seen a few nutters who think that there is a conspiracy by the US to replace African Americans with Hispanics. I've met a few AA union members complaining about "mexican" workers their jobs (in spite of being a different type of Hispanic, but I guess racists be racist regardless of their skin), that sort of thing. Not sure if it's worth adding. CorruptUser 19:41, 3 November 2022 (UTC)

I think it's worth adding. Pizza SLICE.gifChef Moosolini’s Ristorante ItalianoMake a Reservation 20:10, 3 November 2022 (UTC)