Talk:Conversion therapy

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This Christianity related article has been awarded BRONZE status for quality. It's getting there, but could be better with improvement. See RationalWiki:Article rating for more information.


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"Many reparative therapy "camps" "

Hur hur hur. "Camp". Geddit? — Unsigned, by: PaulMurrayCbr / talk / contribs Requesting thread archival (why?) Plutocow (talk)

Perry: 'I prayed the gay away at my Jesus camps'[edit] Reverend Black Percy (talk) 20:12, 22 March 2017 (UTC)


With more and more states passing laws against conversion therapy (New York the latest[1]) maybe we could have some kind of list, table or map of where it's banned, in the US and/or internationally. Is there an easy way to do a map? Does anyone have a list? --Annanoon (talk) 13:39, 18 January 2019 (UTC)


Lately, in my country(Norway), reparative therapy has been a hot topic. We can add that or sumfin' like dat.--Deli-delibirda! (talk) 09:53, 6 December 2019 (UTC)

United Kingdom[edit]

As legislation on the matter is currently under discussion perhaps a mention - or when the deed is done? Anna Livia (talk) 12:28, 15 March 2021 (UTC)

Why "reparative"?[edit]

I don't think I've ever heard the term "reparative therapy" outside of this page, and even the text itself recognizes that "conversion therapy" is the more common term. Why don't we just use that one? Reparative therapy is apparently a specific style within the process. "Reparative" also makes it sound better than what it actually is. I recommend that we change the name of the page to reflect the common parlance. Monochroma (talk) 15:52, 31 July 2022 (UTC)

Thanks to whoever changed it!! Monochroma (talk) 12:04, 13 March 2023 (UTC)

Sound logic[edit]

Hilariously, some of the Christians who support the ex-gay movement claim being gay is a choice, implying that they think gay people can just switch off their sexuality, and thus would make their therapy useless. The fact that this conversion "therapy" exists proves that they know sexuality isn't a choice, but they don't want to admit it.

Many things are choices. It is a choice to eat too much sugar, etc. Yet, people still need therapy or treatment sometimes to maintain a healthy weight. The fact that therapy can help people change their behavior does not, bizarrely, prove that therapy is useless. It would be better to just say that therapy does not work because whatever you're trying to change is innate. However, therapy can also treat things that people consider innate, like alcoholism, without supposedly changing the nature. — Unsigned, by: 2600:1700:1dd2:d0:3dea:fa66:303f:7bfa / talk / contribs