Talk:Faith Goldy

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She says the fourteen words[edit]

In a stream with alt-righter Millennial Woes, she explicitly says the fourteen words. Afterwards, she says:

Earlier in the stream she dog whistled the fourteen words at least two times:


Due to the fact that Goldy recited the fourteen words, a slogan coined by David Lane, an avowed neo-Nazi and founder of the white supremacist terrorist group The Order, off by heart and without hesitation, doesn't it make sense to file her under Category:Neo-Nazis, Category:Racists and Category:Anti-Semites? In reference to filing Goldy under Category:Anti-Semites, in the stream she did with Millennial Woes she used the anti-semitic dogwhistle "shekel". Peadar237 (talk) 01:34, 21 June 2018 (UTC)

@Peadar237 The Category for Neo-nazi will likely be sufficient, and the other two uneeded. ☭Comrade GC☭Ministry of Praise 00:45, 21 June 2018 (UTC)

Given her strong Zionist views and upbringing, perhaps her white supremacy schtick is just a carrot to win the hearts of those who might also be sympathetic to those poor little Jews in Israel, surrounded by a sea of Arabs. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

There are several Categories that I believe that Goldy should be placed in, Category:Antifeminism, Category:Islamophobia, Category:Transphobia. Goldy should be placed in Category:Islamophobia is because, among many other reasons, this tweet in which she smears all Muslims as being inherently violent:

  • [1] "More Muslims = More Violence. An oldie but a goodie, just as true now as ever." Peadar237 (talk) 16:04, 4 December 2018 (UTC)

I would categorise her as an antifeminist because of this line from the following source:

Lastly I would categorise Goldy as a transphobe because of appalling fear-mongering bullshit like this:

My personal rule is that the article should substantiate all categories. The neonazi stuff is clear from the article, but the antifeminism and transphobia is only communicated from the talk page. It's pretty easy to incorporate exactly what you said here into the article. ikanreed 🐐Bleat at me 16:10, 4 December 2018 (UTC)