Talk:Jan te Nijenhuis

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Objection on collaboration with me being proof for association with "far-right"[edit]

This article states: "Nijenhuis himself is associated with the far-right,[4] for example in 2016 he attended the London Conference on Intelligence alongside white supremacists and child-rape apologist Emil Kirkegaard; he also co-wrote a LCI paper with a Holocaust denier, Dalibor Jurášek"

This indicates I am "far right", which is not true and there is no proof or source for it. I am not a Holocaust denier - explained already in But even if one is a Holocaust denier, that does still not mean they are far right. For example, one of the first revisionists Paul Rassinier was himself a socialist, anti-Nazi occupation fighter and a former prisoner of a concentration camp.

I thus demand my name be removed from the claim, because I am neither far-right, nor a Holocaust denier, nor is there any causal relationship between these two terms (although there is probably a high correlation).

Dalibor.jurasek (talk) 12:15, 21 November 2018 (UTC)

You're clearly a Holocaust denier, as your own comments on your talk page reveal. As for far-right, the vast majority of individuals who attended the London Conference on Intelligence are far-right e.g. Richard Lynn, Adam Perkins, Emil Kirkegaard etc. (talk) 13:22, 21 November 2018 (UTC)